
World’s Best Investments For 2024

23+ Deals: Beach Property Starting At $97,500


The 10th-annual International Property Summit is your one-stop-shop for exclusive, turn-key, and fully vetted investments.

Join America’s #1 International Property Expert Lief Simon and more than 24 property experts in tropical Panama City, Panama…

They’ll reveal, discuss, and analyze the best property markets, deals, and opportunities in the world for finding bargains and making money.

Recent attendees have DOUBLED their money in under three years…

You can join them with access to exclusive discounts of at least $1,000 off—and up to $17,000 off—across dozens of property offers.

Opportunities for all budgets. Buy from $79,000 and invest starting with only $6,880…

10th Anniversary!
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Now It’s Your Turn To Join The
1,037 Attendees Who Have Profited Alongside Us

Dear Live And Invest Overseas Reader,

I’ve hosted more than 1,000 Live And Invest Overseas readers at my International Property Summit over the years.

Over the past decade, we’ve helped these people unlock an entirely new chapter in their lives…

One where they’re traveling to gorgeous and exotic places… experiencing the world with unforgettable adventures… and creating stories they’ll tell for years and years—all while making a hefty profit from investments that can pay for themselves.

We've helped people find their dream home at a cost they never thought possible...

We’ve helped veteran investors bolster their portfolio with assets diversified across several currencies, economies, and industries…

And we've even saved some folks’ entire retirements by showing them where they can buy for a song—in safe and pleasant places where health care is virtually free, and the cost of living is a fraction of what it is back home.

More successful overseas property owners have been created from the International Property Summit than any other we've ever known or
heard of...

5 Attendees Earned $443,845
With Beach And Island Properties
Starting At $50k

Did you make money during the pandemic? Attendees who joined us for the special online versions of our International Property Summit sure did…

Dozens are still holding onto their properties as appreciation continues up, but several have recently sold or are in the process of doing so:

Bill B. of Wisconsin bought a condo at the attendee-only price of $50,000 in December 2020… he’s now selling for $118,000—a full $68,000 in profit in just over 3 years. That’s a 136% ROI, good for an annualized ROI of 31%.
Fred R. of Texas bought a brand-new apartment on a Mediterranean island—right near the beach—for £59,000 in April 2021. He sold for £78,000 back in May 2023… that’s £19,000 ($24,000) in profits after
just 2 years.
John D. from Colorado spent $75,000 to earn a cool profit of $100,000 in under 36 months… his apartment, which he got word of during our annual event, sold for $175,000 earlier this year.

Ali T. of Florida got a deal on a beach property priced at only $71,155. He bought in March 2022, right at the start of Wall Street’s bear market. While the markets lost 28% that year, he’s now selling for $138,000—a 24-month gain of $66,845 (94% ROI).
Of course, my International Property Summit features luxury properties as well. And, despite being a multi-level property with its own jacuzzi, a penthouse on a European island was bought by Alan L. of Texas for only $480,000 back in Sept. 2022. This month he’s selling for $665,000—a windfall of $185,000 gained after only 18 months.

Again, this is just a brief sample of attendees who invested in our featured deals during my International Property Summit over the past few years.

What attendees are saying…

“Everything went very well. I am not experienced in making real estate deals, but I was very comfortable in going through the process of buying this studio apartment in another country…

“I like it that the property is close to the Mediterranean Sea, and every unit has a view of the sea from the balcony… During this covid time of shutdowns it was very important to work with people who you trust and are comfortable with online. I have a lot of respect for Lief Simon's knowledge about foreign real estate investment.”
 —Ray. G, United States 
Notice anything particular about those investments above?

Aside from an average of $89,000 in profits—all collected in an astonishingly short period of under 4 years—you may notice that almost all the attendees were able to buy for less than $100k

I don’t have to tell you that’s something you’re unlikely to find back home…

However, over the past 27 years I’ve been able to build a global network of developers and agents. I’m now able to ask them to target these low-cost properties for my attendees…

They’re what I refer to as “Pocket Money” real estate deals.

“Pocket Money” deals are what I call property priced under $150k... and they’re a hallmark of my International Property Summit each year.

Now, don’t get me wrong… $75-$150k is a lot of money…

But I call them “Pocket Money” deals because they’re actual homes that
you can buy in cash… or even with financing payments of less than $2,000
a month.

In other words, these are investments that give you a solution to some of that extra cash you might have on hand...

Money that might otherwise waste away from inflation in a bank savings account… or be at the mercy of Wall Street sentiment.

And don't let the price tags fool you—these are not Walmart-quality properties...

These are either off-market deals or offers in key markets overseas where the cost of living is low. I’m going to show you actual photos of some of these places in just a moment…

Before I get to that, I want to remind you that real estate investing isn’t just about the numbers…

After all, the idea behind most of our investments is to make our and our loved ones’ lives better.

Buying a home means security… it gives us a hard asset that can’t go bankrupt and become worthless… it provides a place to stay during getaways... and, of course, when paid in full, owning your home means dropping your cost of living by 1/3 or more compared to renters.

That’s why I always make sure to connect with insiders in markets where you—and just about everyone else in the world—would like to spend time. Places like Portugal…

Making Money In
Irresistible Places To Spend Time

Attendees’ Gains Of
€691,000 In Portugal

If you’ve been a Live And Invest Overseas reader at any time over the past 10 years, you’ll know that we’re huge fans of the lifestyle on offer in Portugal…

This is a classic Old World country with breathtaking coastlines on the far western side of Europe.

Just like our name says, we’re always on the lookout for top opportunities to live and invest overseas—places that offer both are always high on our list… which explains why Portugal won our award for World’s #1 Retirement Haven for seven years in a row.

Naturally, Portugal has been a featured market during past International Property Summits.

Attendees who bought during or following these events were wise to invest—as you’ll see below—but they also got to spend time in their properties, enjoying some of the world’s best quality of life…
Praia da Luz, Portugal…
Thanks to a personal contact in Portugal, we were able to offer an outstanding beach property in Praia da Luz to attendees. It’s a 2-bedroom apartment with a large beach view balcony that hangs right over the sands.

Our attendee paid €165,000 in 2016… since then, it’s earned gross yields of around 9%-10% per year.

He’s had offers to buy at €400,000—gains on paper of €235,000 (142%) after nearly 8 years. Even better, our man on the ground says he’ll be able to sell this year for around €500k with some strategic refurbishment.
Tavira, Portugal…
In 2019, we helped attendees find a property in the charming seaside town of Tavira for €250,000.

Today, they can sell the home for about €450,000—profits of €200,000 (80% ROI) less than 5 years later. But they have no intention of selling, given that they’re earning gross yields of 10%-11% a year with a long-term renter…

Instead, they’ll continue to rent it out, earning back a large portion of the money they spent on it.

Eventually, several years from now when they’re fully retired, they plan to move in and enjoy the sun, sand, and charm of Portugal for about half the year.
Porto, Portugal…
With the right connections, you can still find a heck of a deal in Porto, one of the oldest cities in the world thanks to its founding all the way back in 275 BC.

Our attendee was looking strictly to make money, and he bought sight unseen for €235,000 in 2020.

He sold in 2023 for €365,000—realized gains of €130,000 in under 3 years… that’s a 55% ROI worth 16% a year in returns.
Lagos, Portugal…
And what about myself? Kathleen and I bought an apartment in Lagos for €99,000 in 2015.

In 2019, I sold for €225,000—returns of more than 125% after 4 years.

And that 125% ROI is not counting the 6% annual returns I made in each of those years in rental income.

Nor does it count the time when my family and I stayed in the apartment to enjoy one of the most charming places you’ll ever experience….

Yes, one of the things you’ll learn about me is that “I put my money where my mouth is.”

I have neither the money nor the bandwidth to purchase in every single market I suggest and every deal I negotiate… but I certainly try.

During the International Property Summit, I’ll share updates on the properties from past events I’ve bought, and I’ll let you know which of the new ones I am investing in…

More important, this event features several round table discussions where we analyze deals…

It’s when we pore over why certain deals succeeded or failed in some way… and whether now is the time to buy or hold.

That is, unlike other “property events,” my International Property Summit will also educate you and provide insights alongside the large selection of deals.

What attendees are saying…

“I liked the ability to have a turn-key managed apartment with the ability to earn in different currencies, live there… have access to warm weather, and potentially earn a 10+% return on the investment.”
 —Peter F, United States 
“Everything I needed in one place”
“This was an amazing conference, I’m 43 years old so retirement is not in my plan at the moment but I am interested in the real estate investing aspect.

“I came with no expectations but the conference had everything I needed in one place and allowed me to make great connections. I loved it. I’m very grateful for the information and the staff. It was an excellent conference, congratulations.”

—Waseem Shahid, Canada

This Isn’t Only About Making A Buck…
Find Fabulous Homes At Jaw Dropping Prices

High prices, high mortgage rates, and dwindling supplies...

If you’re living in North America, it’s a tough go to find a piece of real estate these days. And that’s true whether you’re buying as a home or as an investment.

Many retirees would love to sell their current home, putting aside a nice stash of cash while the rest goes toward a new home…

Maybe something smaller, or at least easier to manage, in a place that’s safe and warm…

Unfortunately, this is just not possible right now in most places in North America.

Of course, the situation is not entirely bad. If you’re like a lot of homeowners I know, your home is probably worth a lot more than what you paid for it. And buyers are not all that hard to find.

The trouble is that it can still be hard to sell… because once you do, then what?

The best properties out there are going through bidding wars… or gobbled up by the big corporations.

And, even if you have the winning bid, do you really want to pay that much for a property that’s not as large or frankly not as nice as the one you just had?

But that’s not your problem… at least not anymore.

At the International Property Summit, you’ll learn that you need not waste time waiting on markets to thaw. You’ll discover that the best deals right now are outside the borders of North America…

We’re going to point you to dynamic markets across the world that welcome foreign investment and even incentivize it, in some cases, by offering residency, tax cuts, and other perks. 

Remarkably, you could find a property—with better construction and with better views in places that are warmer and safer—for far less money than you’d have to pay back home.

And by “far less,” I’m talking about properties, even in Europe, that are asking for less than $200,000… even less than $100,000 in some cases.

As I said earlier, I am not talking about Walmart-quality homes in backwaters…

Just check out what a few past attendees have purchased:

Beach Apartment In Europe: $178,000

Every International Property Summit features beachfront deals under $200k…
One past attendee bought the 2-bedroom apartment pictured above for the equivalent of $178,000.

He found it after touring the coast with one of my contacts he met during the International Property Summit. It’s in Portugal and, as you can see, the balcony is right over the sands of one of the nicest beaches in Europe.

The home is now worth more than DOUBLE what he paid… but why sell when you can enjoy the perfect retirement?

The region here enjoys one of the most stable climates in the world, with 3,300 hours of sunshine per year, meaning more sunny days than almost anywhere else in Europe. Plenty of expats are around, and most everyone here speaks English.

Plus, the cuisine and lifestyle here is famous for its longevity and health-boosting properties, helping to prevent Alzheimer’s, diabetes, and heart disease.

Beach Duplex With Yard And Private Pool: $99,000

This year’s Summit boasts 13 offers under $150k…
Back in 2022, attendees got an exclusive $15,000 discount on properties right on top of a wide, sandy beach…

I was able to get such a discount as nothing was built yet—it was a pre-construction offer, meaning buyers had to rely on my vetting process. A lot of these offers around the world never get built, but I’ve been involved in this type of offer for over 20 years at this point.

Fast forward to today, and everything has been built—on time and as promised.

Attendees who bought back then now own a home with a large yard and a private pool that looks over a fantastic beach… and they paid only $99,000 for it all.

Lonely Planet calls the area "a haven of tranquility blessed with year-round sunshine, soft white sand, and a calm sea of warm waters"…

Aside from the beach, attendees have a five-star resort, award-winning restaurants, and an 18-hole golf course nearby. Plus, a theme park and a cosmopolitan city are a 30-minute drive away.

Resort Condo On A
Mediterranean Island: $57,000

Attendees get discounts of at least $1,000 on more than a dozen offers… 
Only a 2-minute drive to the beach, attendees snapped up these resort condos back in 2021 for under $60k each. The low price here is another example of a pre-construction offer…

Today these condos are fully built, as you can see above, and attendees are selling for $118,000 and more. In other words, the attendees who are selling this year will earn DOUBLE what they paid, less than three years later

And those that have decided to enjoy the condo for themselves? They’re luxuriating in a five-star resort on a Mediterranean island…

They can take a yoga class, play tennis, get a massage... swim in brilliant blue waters, try some fishing... meet friends for lunch and a nice glass of wine, or relax by the pool.

The complex has everything they could need: a choice of restaurants and bars, kids play areas, multiple indoor and outdoor pools, a supermarket, shops, a beauty and wellness center, a doctor’s clinic, and a pharmacy…

Apartment Overlooking The
Adriatic Sea: $101,574

Most of our deals double as a home abroad and an investment…
This is one of the deals that got my greatest attention during the 2022 International Property Summit…

They’re condos in a European country that Forbes likens to Monaco... and, in fact, the Royal Saudi family moved their yacht fleet from Monaco to here. The coast overlooks the same stretch of water as Italy, and it boasts stunning fjords and a pristine natural landscape.

I negotiated these apartments down to around $100,000 for our attendees. Two years later, they’re re-selling for $175,00—that’s nearly $75k in appreciation gains after only 24 months.

What’s more, buying here puts investors on the path to residency and eventually citizenship. That’s extra important as this country is expected to join the European Union by no later than 2030. That means attendees can eventually get an EU passport… and potentially enjoy sky-rocketing property values leading up to the EU accession.

A $100k sea-view property… one that’s constantly increasing in value… and can potentially grant you an EU passport and all the perks associated with it?

These are the types of outstanding investment and second-home deals I guarantee you’ll find at my International Property Summit
“I have never been disappointed”
"Organizers and presenters did a great job of covering topics of interest for the first-time and seasoned investors. Having current information on recent changes is always helpful.

"Also differing opinions and perspectives help the attendees to identify what suits their personal needs. As an All-Access Pass attendee, I can truthfully say that I have never been disappointed and always come away with a renewed confidence and interest in the overseas markets."
— Suzanne Grandon, United States

3 Ways The Insiders Are
Making A Killing With Real Estate—

And How You Can, Too…

As you already know, buying low and selling high is how you make the most money with just about every investment.

However, most investments are at the mercy of a single factor when it comes to opportunities for buying low…

You’re waiting for a bear market to get the best price on stocks, generally speaking, while the same is true of precious metals during bull markets.

Property, proven as history’s best investment type, is much less fickle than other assets… you’ll need a generational crisis to get a true bargain, as many did in the years following the Great Recession.
I don’t have to tell you that those that invested at the bottom are sitting pretty today.

The problem of course is that real estate investing in North America has become too popular

Everything is priced sky-high now and, even if you think a piece of property is valued correctly, you’re going to get hosed by the bank with current mortgage interest rates hovering around 7%.

I won’t waste your time arguing whether or not real estate in America is
a bubble…

Pointing out that more than 15 million homes are actually empty… that about 25% of all home purchases are made by investors and speculators…

That upcoming laws and taxes are poised to catch these investors with their pants down.

Regardless of what I think, having a portfolio full of Wall Street stocks and American real estate is a giant risk—just like those who purchased both prior to the Great Recession found out.

When your investments are all tied to the same currency, the same economy, and the same public sentiment, you are not diversified.

The good news with international property is that it provides true diversification…

And multiple opportunities for buying low:

Opportunity 1: Path Of Progress…

While news of war and crime catch all the headlines...

The truth is that many parts of the world are growing and thriving as they improve themselves.

Investing in these places puts you on the figurative ground floor—you can buy low and sell high as the destinations become more popular and the citizens become wealthier.

This is what insiders call investing in the Path Of Progress.

I’ve seen over a hundred examples in my career. You’ve probably seen your fair share, too…

When a major amenity is built, like an airport or a new highway, property in an area that was once remote and desolate can quickly jump in value…

One example you may recognize is along Mexico’s Caribbean coast. You see, this primo stretch of beaches—now named the “Riviera Maya”—was completely unknown…

That is until the '70s… when a little fishing village named Cancun, home to fewer than 200 people, was identified for development by the Mexican government.

They built highways and an airport, and the city followed…

At the time, you could have bought beachfront on this coast for a pittance... it was like buying on the southern California coast in the 1960s.

Our experts were actually some of the first to promote this path-of-progress play to Americans, having recommended buying in Cancun 30 years ago. Imagine if you'd done that (like many of those readers did).

You're well familiar with the rest of this story, I'm sure. Cancun beachfront today trades hands for millions—mega-multiples of what it sold for back in the 1990s.
Buyers who identified the “Path Of Progress” in the DR got a good deal for this view…
A more recent example we identified for attendees is across the Caribbean Sea, in the Dominican Republic…

For most of the island’s history, traveling from the southern coast to the northern coast took about 6 hours via meandering roads in poor condition. And that’s if you got lucky to avoid any flooding or mud.

Making matters worse, because the capital city is in the south, it’s where the country’s only international airport and container ports are found. That means most imported goods had to make the same 6-hour trek to reach
the north.

Starting in 2009, however, a brand-new highway was built to connect the coasts, cutting the travel time by a full 1/3.

With clear roads and a new 2-hour travel time, the north coast lit up with more visitors than ever before. As an interesting quirk, the cost of living actually dropped as more goods become more available…

The end result, of course, is that tourism has doubled since then, while property values have been rising by double digits nearly every year since.

Where are the next big Path Of Progress plays in the world?

I have my eye on several… in Latin America, Asia, and even in Europe—in fact, we’ll review not one but two large Euro markets that are poised to skyrocket during this year’s International Property Summit.

Opportunity 2: Markets In Crisis

Call it cold or heartless, but it’s true all the same: “buy when there’s blood in the streets.”
I doubled my money in Argentina following the crash of the peso there in 2001. And folks who bought in southern Florida around 2012, after the subprime mortgage crisis, are sitting on gains of 300% or more right now…

The next big crisis for profits?

Most of the world hasn’t caught onto it yet… but it will soon affect the lives of hundreds of millions of people.

At the same time, for some—particularly American investors—it could prove to be a life-changing investment opportunity. 

I’m talking about European housing.

In particular, Europe doesn’t have enough homes, and those it does have are too expensive. The lack of building during the Great Recession and the pandemic helped bring new construction to a halt, while decades of bureaucracy and rent controls have kept incentives for developers low.

Tens of millions of homes need to be built, yet, thanks to red tape, high interest rates, and overwhelming demand, it will be decades before adequate supply can be met. The result is just now rearing its head.

Governments are being forced to step in to lure investors, while developers are targeting key demographics with affordable housing…

Big American investment firms are already pouring money—€579 billion as of this writing—into European housing. Blackstone alone just allocated more than 55% of its global investments to these assets.

This housing shortfall is one of the biggest investment stories on the horizon right now.

Even better for American investors, diversifying outside of the stock market and into Europe also lets you take advantage of a U.S. dollar that’s stronger in Europe than it’s been in a long time.

Europe is a big place, of course, so not every market is undergoing a crisis. However, in the key spots we’ve identified, we can buy at a level that most of the locals cannot… and we can do so with assurances and incentives from the local government.

And before you accuse us of profiteering, this is all a win-win for everyone involved…

Local residents get an affordable place to live, the governments chip away at the housing shortage, and we investors profit handsomely.

We’ll talk extensively about this crisis and its key markets—plus specific opportunities—during my International Property Summit.

Opportunity 3: Mega Trends

The availability of housing is always a big factor when it comes to real estate…

But sometimes a shortage is less about a crisis and more about improving the lives of hundreds of millions of people…

Such is the case in Latin America right now, where we’re witnessing the same Mega Trend we saw in the United States after World War II:

A rapidly growing middle class.
Latin America's middle class is hitting historic highs. From 2008 to 2018, the middle class grew a whopping 50%...

That's more than 50 million people looking for quality homes...

This housing demand is one of the biggest supply-vs-demand stories of our generation.

Obviously, that spells more renters and better ROIs for the properties we purchase...

But we can also invest in the building of these homes and flip them to first-time homeowners for a tidy profit. Better yet, because the governments in some of these countries want to foster middle-class growth, purchases are often heavily subsidized for our end users, making the purchase process a quick and easy affair.

While an expanding middle class is a generational opportunity, it’s not the only chance we have to profit from an expanding pool of potential renters.

In fact, Mega Trends in tourism are one of the easiest and well-known ways to make money.

Back in the mid-2010’s, for example, our International Property Summit featured a market that was just beginning to blow up on the world map: the Algarve region of Portugal.

Those attendees have since enjoyed outsized profits, as I showed you earlier…

One attendee bought in the town we identified as the World’s #1 Retirement Haven. He got into a bidding war, paying €250k for a home. Yet despite paying a little over market value at the time, the property doubled in value in 4 years.

Back in 2016, thanks to a recommendation from one of our speakers at the event, another attendee was able to snag a stunning 2-bedroom beach home in Praia da Luz for €165k. He tells us he has no intentions to sell… and why would he with gross rental yields of 9%-10%? Still, he can sell today easily for €400K… and possibly €500K+ with some renovation—that is to say, he has the option to TRIPLE his money in under a decade.
Where’s the “next Portugal” market? We’ll show you during the
International Property Summit…

Where’s the “next Portugal” property market?

We have our eyes set on not one but two specific places in Europe…

One of these markets is poised to shoot up in value thanks to a monumental shift in government policy—it’ll lead to historic growth in the number of visitors, as well as improved infrastructure… a killer one-two punch of a Path Of Progress advantage and a Mega Trend. 

We’ve also identified a second “next Portugal” market. It hides one of the biggest tourism stories no one is talking about…
Under The Radar: Remarkable Tourism Growth 
Obviously, tourism took a dive during the pandemic, but it’s roaring back now… and investors (like myself) are set up for considerable profits.

Again, we’ll explore both these markets in depth—including specific and even turn-key listings—during my International Property Summit

I’ll be joined by my top contacts on the ground in each market, and you’ll get to meet them and pick their brains with all your questions.

Booming middle classes, housing crises, big trends... what else?

If you're an American, the current opportunity abroad is bigger than it's been in a long time, thanks to the strength of the U.S. dollar. We’ll pinpoint at least 5 dollar-friendly property markets across the world in 2024

Altogether, my team of scouts, analysts, and experts are focused on more than a dozen property markets around the world...

Whether you're considering an investment for cash flow or appreciation or lifestyle, the International Property Summit will be your one-stop shop for taking advantage of all the opportunity on offer.

This is exactly how to make a lot of money while creating a truly diversified portfolio...
“A wealth of information…”
“Surpassed my expectations! There was a wealth of information provided, and some important contacts were made. I’d like to thank the team for all their hard work…”
 —Frances Carter, United States 

Strategies For All Your Interests And Investment Goals

Whether you want to secure a property for your own use…

Make an investment… or both… we’ll help you figure it all out.
I’ve gathered my network—the world’s best overseas real estate, retirement, and wealth experts…

For a massive summit covering 3 days of discussion, debate, and intel-sharing.

We’ll negotiate deals, discuss ideas, confirm rumors (and quelch others), all while sharing the most up-to-do date information on markets and properties…

Whether you’re just getting started or you’re a veteran player, these are the topics that could supercharge your nest egg or portfolio to the next level:
  • How To Use Other People’s Money to build your property portfolio—you don’t need a pile of cash to succeed in real estate investing…

  • The best current opportunities: Where To Buy In 2024

  • The Perks And Pitfalls of foreign real estate investing…

  • The 4 Secrets To Rental Cash Flow Overseas… plus, how to buy and manage for maximum rental yield…

  • Currency Considerations for your international property purchase…

  • What you MUST know about using your IRA To Buy Real Estate

  • The Best And Worst Property Investments over the past 25 years…

  • All of the Best Property Deals Available Right Now, including beach properties under $150,000 and turn-key apartments that pay out net yields of 8% and more every year…
  • Analysis Of Every Deal, including market context, historic evaluations, and best- and worst-case scenarios…

  • And much, much more…

Our Promise To You:

The International Property Summit will give you the insights you need to invest overseas with confidence and success…

And then it’ll give you access to the hottest property deals available in the world today.

You’ll get private access to every discussion, panel debate, and presentation, as well as direct access to all our experts…

All in one place where you can also meet and mingle with about 100 of your fellow readers.
“Lots of good tips…”
“Very impressed with expertise of the presenters, so much breadth and depth. Great information on investment opportunities and asset protection. Lots of good tips…”
—Meribeth Dunsmoor, United States
Divider Text
“All great information…”
“All great information. Especially the sessions on overseas rental success and currency considerations.”
—George Davison, United States

Here’s How It Works
3 Simple Steps To Becoming A Successful
International Real Estate Investor…

Turn-key: Many of the investments on offer will require no management or
hassle on your part…
After saving your space for the International Property Summit, you’ll hear directly from our Events Coordinators…

They’ll provide you all the details you need to join us in Panama, and they’ll even help you to find the best flight and to book your stay using the exclusive nightly rate at the venue hotel.

Depending on the registration option you choose, you may also get information on the property scouting trip following the event. Otherwise, every discussion is hosted within the hotel venue.

We’ll kick things off with an open-bar cocktail party. After more than a decade hosting this event, it’s been proven as the favorite method for introducing you to all our experts and your fellow attendees. It’s completely optional of course, but all the drinks and food served are completely free of charge for you.

During the event, we’ll have three main rooms… the seminar room for the main discussions, the networking room for the free coffee and snack breaks, and the exhibition room for one-on-one time with our experts.

You should also note that everything is recorded by video, and all materials are saved and packaged for you inside a private website, meaning you can focus on the discussion rather than racing to write down your notes.

The people you’ll hear from and meet include developers, real estate agents, tax specialists, property & rental managers, financial advisors, real estate attorneys, and even retirement specialists…

Indeed, through it all, you’ll see property opportunities from around the world for investment but also for personal use as a retirement or second home.

Many of the properties featured can double for both recreation and profit.

I could go into a lot of detail here… but to over-simplify, the event will take you through three simple steps:

  1. Review the investing basics, covering the rules of the game for international property investing and due diligence—including any tax consequences or advantages, as well as critical differences in property markets overseas compared to North America…

  1. Virtually tour the best property markets today. We’ll have on hand experts from the most productive markets on our radar in the Americas, Europe, and Asia. Better yet, our goal each year is to have at least one actionable deal available within each market—for those we don’t, you’ll still get the contacts and know-how to find deals on your own…

  1. Sample today’s best actionable investment opportunities from around the world, including:

  • Residential properties suitable for renting out or living in as a retirement/second home…
  • Properties positioned for a strong capital gain…
  • Income-producing properties…
  • Turn-key farmland investments…
  • Commercial property investments…

Now, the key word above is “actionable.” And every property opportunity we reveal is available for investment…

In fact, we’ve made sure that we have buying options available at every budget level, even starting at under $10,000.
“Save yourself years of research by attending”
"If this conference is offered again, you can save yourself years of research by attending. I could have if it was offered five years ago... Now I'm prepared and moving forward at breakneck speed. Thanks so much Live and Invest Overseas staff! You rock!"
--Dean Tampke, United States
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“Made me more confident about investments outside of the USA”
"I learned a significant amount of information about investments that was totally new to me. Most of my questions were answered. The Summit made me more confident about investments outside of the USA. Exhibitors spent time explaining information that was presented. Thank you."
--Charles Winkler, United States

Meet Us In Panama—
A Top Retirement And Investment Haven

This 10th-annual event will take place this year in Panama City, Panama

We're meeting here for several reasons... 

First, access is generally easy and affordable, especially if you're coming from North America. 

Second, Panama's beaches—along both its Pacific and Caribbean coasts—make it a relaxing place to spend time. I want you to travel down and join me, after all, and I'm hoping this setting will be irresistible for you... 

And it's not just about a vacation... I want to show you what your lifestyle could be like as a global property investor. Following through on some of the opportunities we'll be unveiling could well earn you enough to support this kind of life all year round. 

Finally, if you’ve been reading my dispatches for any time, you realize already that Panama is one of the world’s top offshore, retirement, and investment havens…

The country welcomes both foreign retirees and investors with open arms.

When setting up offshore entities to protect your assets, you’ll find Panama’s financial services sector covers any possible service that you’ll need. And as a foreign resident, you can pay zero income-tax in Panama.
Panama is one of the easiest places in the world right now to obtain foreign residency, thanks to its dozens of different options.

It’s a top offshore banking haven, and Panama City is the hub of all of Latin America…

And this natural wonderland of a country hides the smartest beach, city, and mountain property buys anywhere on the planet today—in fact, I’ve invested more time and money in Panama than anywhere else in the world.

Of course, it also doesn’t hurt that so many people here speak English.

For all these reasons, the selection of Panama for my International Property Summit was an easy choice.

At the event, we’ll have plenty of resources on hand to help you discover Panama’s benefits as an investor and as a potential resident.

The #1 Property Event Of The Year—
Exclusive Deals, Discussions, And Insights

We’ll showcase a wide variety of properties starting at around $100,000...

My expectation when investing in real estate is to double my money in at least five years...

If I'm looking for cash flow, I'm not buying anything unless I believe it can net 5% a year... and more typically 8%-10%.

The biggest fact most people overlook is that you don't need to be rich to
get started...

I began my property investing career with just $5,000.

Fast forward to today and I've turned that modest sum into a multimillion-dollar property portfolio... one diversified across multiple continents, markets, and currencies.

My team and I can show you the way, including how to:


  • Choose the country and the location that's right for you, places that are ideal for your overseas purchase...
  • Determine the best property for your intended lifestyle and investment goals... including the best (and worst) types of property for both rental management and maintenance in the locations you're considering...
  • Understand the fundamentals of buying, maintaining, and selling real estate overseas safely and securely...
  • Manage an income-producing rental property for maximum profit and minimal hassle when you're not in residence... plus, how to make it 100% turn-key...
  • Develop your own worldwide network of international property contacts and support...
  • Identify a promising market or listing for yourself... and the trick to learning how much you should pay for the property you want...
  • Navigate markets with no multiple listing service (this includes most of the world)... property abroad is a tremendous opportunity, but it requires some know-how...
  • Get the tips and tricks of savvy veterans, including the best way to move money (saving thousands of dollars on banking and currency fees), vetting a developer or property manager, structuring ownership for maximum profits, and much more...

My team and I can help you build a property portfolio that will provide you cash flow, diversification, and long-term wealth...

We'll show you how to decide what to buy... where to buy... and how to get started.

We'll show you how things are supposed to go... and then how they really go, so you don't lose any time or money.

Bottom line, if a property purchase is in your future, you absolutely want to join me, Lee Harrison, and 20+ other experts during this International Property Summit.

Your admission to the event includes:
  • Complete access to all three full days of education, networking, and attendee-only deals...

  • We're hosting the event in downtown Panama City, Panama… just a short stroll from the Cinta Costera (the city’s coastal park and walkway). Attendees get an exclusive nightly rate that also includes free Wi-Fi and breakfast…

  • Every attendee will have a chance to ask as many questions as they want

  • You’ll get contact information for reliable real estate pros, business connections, tax specialists, and attorneys…

  • Data sheets, brochures, and checklists covering specific markets, deals, strategies, and methods...

  • Once the event is over, every attendee will receive a complete set of professionally edited video recordings—you’ll have lifetime, on-demand access with the option to download everything...

  • Your satisfaction is guaranteed—for the education portion, the deals, and the event system itself. We'll refund 100% of your money, if that's what you want...

Meeting us in Panama is how you can treat yourself in the present and in
the future.

Let's get to work creating cash flow... adding safe-haven assets to your nest egg... diversifying your portfolio... accessing the best deals... getting the home of your dreams at a bargain... or all the above.

Wait no longer: Save your seat now...
“Everyone was very helpful”
“Awesome structure. Everyone was very helpful. I was very surprised and pleased at how approachable, open, honest, you and Kathleen were, as well as Lee Harrison! Thank you.”
—M.R., United States
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“I was received with warmth”
“In personal conversations with several presenters, I was received with warmth and receptivity to my more basic, simplistic questions.”
Esther Johnson, United States

Your Satisfaction
Is Guaranteed—Period

What you’ll experience during the International Property Summit could forever change your life for the better…

In fact, that’s a promise.

As a skeptic myself, I understand you might find that hard to believe…

So your registration comes with my 100% Money-Back Satisfaction Guarantee.

Yes… that’s how confident I am that we can help you figure out your investment plan and property portfolio abroad.

Lief Simon
Co-Founder, Live And Invest Overseas 
P.S. No event in the world is like my International Property Summit...

You see, most experts merely provide the best real estate deals they can find or negotiate...

Don't get me wrong—I spend every day doing this for my members, and I've worked for months to get deals in place for the International Property Summit...

In fact, you're guaranteed to find a winning profit play in a top market that fits your budget at the event (or I'll refund your entry fee).

However, what we do that others don't is that we take the time to educate you... or, at least, update you on the latest trends if you’re a veteran investor.

We'll share our wisdom and experience so that you have the power and the know-how to size up an agent, developer, or a specific property in any property market in the world.

You’ll hear and see it all for yourself, and you’ll be able to ask questions...

This interactive aspect of the International Property Summit is critical. And so is everything we have to show you, such as how to:

  • Choose the country and the location that's right for you, places that are ideal for your overseas purchase...

  • Determine the best property for your intended lifestyle and investment goals... including the best (and worst) types of property for both rental management and maintenance in the locations you're considering...

  • Understand the fundamentals of buying, maintaining, and selling real estate overseas safely and securely...

  • Manage an income-producing rental property for maximum profit and minimal hassle when you're not in residence... plus, how to make it 100% turn-key...

  • Develop your own worldwide network of international property contacts and support...

  • Identify a promising market or listing for yourself... and the trick to learning how much you should pay for the property you want...

  • Navigate markets with no multiple listing service (this includes most of the world)... property abroad is a tremendous opportunity, but it requires some know-how...

  • Get the tips and tricks of savvy veterans, including the best way to move money (saving thousands of dollars on banking and currency fees), vetting a developer or property manager, structuring ownership for maximum profits, and much more...

This event will have more than 25 property experts from around the world...

Which means you'll be introduced to multiple and proven perspectives.

Together, we're going to help you build a property portfolio that will provide you cash flow, diversification, and long-term wealth...

We'll teach you how to decide what to buy... where to buy... and how to get started.

And we'll show you how things are supposed to go... and then how they really go, so you don't lose time or money.
A team we can trust
Thank you! It’s truly incredible to have such a team of experts on our side that we have been able to truly trust…”
Sandy Farwell, United States

Frequently Asked Questions

  • A large amount of capital is not required. During this event, we’ll have a wide range of deals (including homes on the beach) that cost less than $150,000.

    Last year, for example, we featured the lowest buy-in we’ve ever found for a farm investment—less than $6,880 for a long term $94,000 payout.

    Plus, International Property Summit attendees get exclusive perks like discounts worth $10,000’s and low- or zero-interest financing.

    We can’t discuss the specific deals for 2024 in this space, but we can give you a sampling of the deals from last year:

    • “Eco homes” on a Caribbean island with rental returns projected at 10% net, starting at $150,000...

    • Cottages in the mountain village of Boquete, Panama, for only $149,900. These featured a projected ROI of 10% net… and financing was available...

    • Sea-view apartments on “Europe’s Secret Riviera,” Kotor Bay in Montenegro, starting at €110,000...

    • Tiny homes on Ambergris Caye—with 0% interest financing—for only $199,000. These units project tremendous annual cash flow of $21,890…

    • A condo-hotel investment in the Caribbean for only $319,900—this was a turn-key offer in partnership with a multinational corporation… buyers are poised for giant gains over the coming years...

    • Beach condos in a private beach resort on Panama’s Pacific coast for as low as $299,000—like most of our deals, this was a private, off-market deal that included an unprecedented $55,000 discount...

    • Exclusive savings of $29,000 for condos in the booming Panama City market—these even came with a 7-year property tax waiver…

    • City condos in the Caribbean colonial city of Cartagena—with an exclusive $10k discount, these started at just $138,000. With market demand high, 10%+ net annual returns are expected…

    • Down payments of €10k for ocean-view homes in Portugal… these are blue-chip properties poised for strong appreciation…

    • Plus much, much more… including “buy 3 lots get 1 free” land banking deals and 8 offers for homes along the Pacific, Caribbean, and Mediterranean coasts for under $150,000...

    At the International Property Summit, we guarantee you’ll find a wide variety of deals for every budget, taste, and goal… In fact, every attendee has the right to demand a 100% refund if they are in any way disappointed with the line-up of offers available.
  • The International Property Summit is designed to help both home buyers and investors.

    Attendees in the past have remarked that the Summit is two events in one… about a quarter of the event is given over to seminars on insights, networking, Q&A’s, and general discussion, while the rest of the event is focused on the deals.

    The discussion aspect is in place to educate attendees, for assessing properties both on offer at the event and those they find on their own afterwards.

    As far as the deals, more than half of the offers available are intended to be used purely as investment, such as the offers dealing with farmland, local housing, hard-money loans, and condo-hotels.

    The rest of the offers we’ll present and analyze are for fully titled homes that you can live in or use as a cashflow investment. We’ll discuss the best ways to use these, but many combinations for lifestyle and profit are available… in fact, one of our discussions will feature the best way to “have a home pay for itself” via time-tested strategies.

    Bottom line, if you’re looking to diversify into other economies and currencies with hard assets that are appreciating in value all the time—you do not want to miss this International Property Summit.

  • We’ll be meeting in Panama City, Panama, right down the street from Live And Invest Overseas’ main offices, as well as the city home of Kathleen Peddicord and Lief Simon.

    The International Property Summit will be hosted within the Hotel Las Americas Golden Tower, located a short walk from the city’s coastal park, the Cinta Costera.

    We’ve negotiated an exclusively discounted nightly rate for our attendees that also includes free breakfast and wifi.

    Keep in mind that you must book through our Events Team to get the deal (they’ll help you every step of the way). Furthermore, only a block of rooms is available at the discounted rate, so be sure to book your room ASAP.

    Our Events Team is also happy to suggest other hotels for different needs, tastes, and budgets.

    Click here for more hotel and travel information.

    You can also contact us at PropertySummit@LiveAndInvestOverseas.Com, or toll free from North America at 1-888-627-8834 (or 1-443-599-1221) to ask your questions and to make your reservation.

  • The International Property Summit features 3 full days of activities taking place over Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday, June 12-14.

    We start early every morning around 8:00 a.m., so we strongly suggest staying in our venue hotel so that you have plenty of time to enjoy free breakfast, while mingling with the other attendees and our experts.

    Each day ends between 6:00 p.m. – 7:00 p.m. We host our open-bar cocktail party at the end of the first day, and every day features two free snack and refreshment breaks—one in the morning and one in the afternoon—as well as a lunch break of around 90 minutes. Often certain presenters provide free lunch or dinner during private sessions.

    Please note that speakers and schedule may be subject to change.

    And remember that every session is recorded and available for on-demand playback… so you’ll never miss anything.

    Final note: Be sure to speak with our Events Team prior to booking your flight. We’ll have several optional tours available before or after the event. Furthermore, we can help you plan your adventure in Panama if you intend to travel on your own for scouting or relaxation.

    Elite Attendees: Full information will be provided by your event concierge in the coming weeks. Currently, your Private Lunch Q&A with Lief Simon and Lee Harrison is scheduled for Thursday, June 13. Your exclusive property scouting trip is scheduled for Saturday, June 15. The Final Elite Schedule will be provided prior to the start of the event.

  • A 100% Money-Back, Satisfaction Guarantee is in place.

    We guarantee that you’ll enjoy the International Property Summit… and that includes proper support from our Events Team, from the moment you register to the last day of the event.

    We also guarantee that you’ll be satisfied with the long list of deals available for property investments and homes.

    If you are disappointed in any way, you can request a full refund as long as you attend the first day and make the request, in person or in writing, before the second day of the event begins. Full credit toward other Live And Invest Overseas events or publications will be provided past this deadline.

    As far as cancellations, you must notify us in writing. For cancellations received more than 30 days before the start of the event, we will return your payment, minus a $250 administration fee per person. For cancellations received less than 30 days before the start of the event, the conference fee is nonrefundable. A full credit will be provided.

    Credits need to be used within 24 months after cancelling attendance for the initial event.

  • Yes! Some subscribers and members of Live And Invest Overseas services may qualify for a discount of $50-$100 off, while Ultimate Virtual Pass and All Access Pass members get free access…

    If you’re a member of any of these, please get in touch directly by email here.

    You can also call us, toll-free from North America, at 1-888-627-8834… or, internationally, at 1-443-599-1221.

  • Yes! Our Events Team would love to hear from you…

    Led by Conference Manager Makeyra Davis, our Panama-based team can help you every step of the way.

    They can find an answer to every question you have about the event, including the discounts for which you qualify…

    They can tell you about the hotel, and everything you’d ever need to know about Panama, from tipping culture to what to wear…

    They can also help book your exclusive nightly rate at the venue hotel, and they can suggest nearby alternatives as well as restaurants and stores to check out…

    Finally, our Events Team is full of travel pros—they can help you find the best airfare to Panama, no matter where you’re flying in from.

    Get in touch now! Send us an email or call us, toll-free from North America, at 1-888-627-8834... or, elsewhere, at 1-443-599-1221.

“Down to earth presentation”
“Informative discussions delivered in a down to earth presentation of some complex discussions.”
—John Chiappolini, United States

Meet Your Masters Of Ceremonies...

Lief Simon

The International Property Summit has been put together by international real estate investor Lief Simon, Editorial Director of Global Property Advisor, Simon Letter, and Offshore Living Letter.

Lief began his career as a real estate investor by taking a $5,000 gift… and turning it into a $150,000 profit on a real estate deal. Making money from real estate has been in his blood ever since.

In fact, Lief has now purchased more than 45 properties, investing in 23 different countries around the world.

He’ll tell you that a half-dozen or so were strictly intended for personal use, rather than as an investment. But Lief would also tell you that he doesn’t buy anything that’s not intended to make money… and he’ll share with you how best to invest for both fun and profit.

Take a look at some of Lief’s gains achieved over the years of his career:

  • Pacific beachfront in Nicaragua: 450% in 5 years
  • Apartment in Bucharest, Romania: 90% return in only 14 months

  • Three apartments in Buenos Aires, Argentina: 100% gains in each case, plus a respectable 7% to 9% per year in rental income

  • Rental apartments in Paris, France: 100% profit in 5 years plus 6% per year in rental income

  • Pre-construction buy on the Costa del Sol, Spain: 32% annualized returns in 2 years

  • Renovation in Ireland: More than 40% per year for 5 years

  • Riverfront in Panama highlands: 100% in 5 years

  • Rental in Panama City: 12% yields per year for 12 years (and counting) plus 50% capital appreciation

  • Hard-money loan in Australia: 17% per year for 18 months (including the currency gain)

  • Renovation in Medellín, Colombia: Current holding with estimated 100% appreciation in 6 years

  • Residential investment in Portugal’s Algarve: This property was sold in 2019 for a gain of 126% over four years (31.5% annually), plus it averaged 5.75% net annual income during the hold time, for a total return of 36.8% annually…
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Lee Harrison

Lee Harrison has served as Senior Editor for Live and Invest Overseas and as Managing Editor for Overseas Property Alert.

After spending six years flying with the US Navy, he completed a successful career in the nuclear power industry. Taking advantage of a post-merger early retirement offer, he left the US in 2001 at age 49 and retired to Cuenca, Ecuador.
Since that time, Lee has enjoyed and invested in properties in Ecuador, Nicaragua, Uruguay, Colombia, Brazil, and Mexico. He’s since written for publications on living abroad, travel, and real estate investing.

Lee has obtained residency in Ecuador, Uruguay, Colombia, and Mexico. And he’s visited as many as 17 countries per year throughout Europe and Latin America, traveling and writing about retirement and investment opportunities.

Lee’s network of property insiders from those travels, along with his understanding of local cultures and languages, has helped him develop insight into local property markets that only the locals usually possess.