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Live And Invest Overseas Experts...

And Be First In Line For
Generous Discounts On Future Events...

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You know the best way—in fact, the only way—that you're going to make the leap to a better life overseas is by getting out of that comfortable chair and boarding a plane to suss out your options. But it doesn't have to be as daunting as it sounds...

At Live and Invest Overseas, we don't waste our time—or yours—by concerning ourselves with the whole world. We've narrowed it down to the places where you could live happily, affordably, and in true comfort from as little as $694 a month.

And it's from these special corners of the world that we host our Live and Invest Overseas events: from Latin America's exotic rain forests and friendly highly developed metropolises... to alluring Caribbean beaches... to the charm of Europe's medieval villages, rolling vineyards, and sophisticated capitals of culture...

Your Live and Invest
Overseas Confidential
Kat Kalashian
I understand that you can't be with us everywhere we go. But while you consider your options and wait for the right opportunity, you don't have to miss out. Live and Invest Overseas Confidential will bring a taste of these special places to you.

As Editor of Live and Invest Overseas Confidential, I'm committed to bringing you two things:

  • Knowledge you could usually only get from being inside the room. Following an event, I'll share some highlights that will help you get a step closer to your own move—advice from one of our experts... a tip from an expat who's already made the big brave move... occasionally an audio or video clip from the scene.

  • Generous discounts. You'll hear of upcoming events before the general readership, so you'll have first dibs on a seat—and be sure of locking in the best available price. From time to time, I'll offer a further discount on an event (or related product) to Live and Invest Overseas Confidential readers only.

Great things happen when we gather all our experts and expats in one room. And now, this is your chance to eavesdrop on a little of the proceedings. And, should you decide to join us down the line, you'll be in a position to grab a discounted seat.

I’ll be sending Live and Invest Overseas Confidential to subscribers on my list every Monday. Pop your details in below to start receiving this free e-letter—and to get access to these free video workshops:

  • Workshop #1: Retirement Planning—Get Your Finances In Shape
  • Workshop #2: The Nuts And Bolts Of Getting Established Overseas
  • Workshop #3: What To Expect When You're "Expating"

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Welcome aboard!
