My name is Kathleen Peddicord, President and Founder of Live And Invest Overseas – the world’s savviest, most experienced, and most trusted source for information on living, retiring and investing overseas.
I’d like to send you a brand-new book… with my compliments.
That is, free.
All we ask is that you cover the cost of shipping and handling… which amounts to $4.95.
It’s an actual paperback that you can hold in your hands and stack on your shelf.
In fact, it’s my newest book… hot off the presses.
And it gives you the secret to retiring at any age… while, at the same time, guaranteeing yourself a richer lifestyle.
It also reveals the 12 best places today for living the good life… places where you can retire “up”… on a budget of as little as $1000 a month.
More on this in a minute.
First… some context…
A recent survey revealed that 42% of baby boomers don’t have any retirement savings… nada.
Meantime, the average baby boomer expects they’ll need a nest egg worth $1.46 million for a comfortable retirement.
That’s a lot of catching up ahead for those with zero savings.
Maybe, though… understandably… you feel that starting a whole new life in a foreign country is beyond your reach.
In fact, I’d contend that moving overseas is a lot easier than you might think.
Every year, I’m getting more and more personal accounts from fellow Americans on the move—all from different walks of life… of varying ages and personal circumstances… and operating with a wide range of budgets…
I’d like to help you join their ranks… to show you where you can live the lifestyle of your dreams… in a place where you’ll be welcomed and supported… safe and comfortable… far from the frantic pace of workaday life… enjoying the best this world of ours has to offer…
Enjoying great weather and a low (sometimes absurdly low) cost of living…
This idea comes with very big advantages…
And it all begins with addressing the plan for your future retirement in an entirely different way.
To get started on this journey, here are three critical questions to consider…
While the majority of Americans approaching retirement today are stuck in a waiting game, you could retire now.
I mean right now… if you wanted.
And I’d like to help you fully explore your “retire-now” options.
There is no perfect age and there is no perfect time to make a move overseas.
But there is a right time—and that is: When you want!
More on this in a minute.
First… some context…
A recent survey revealed that 42% of baby boomers don’t have any retirement savings… nada.
Meantime, the average baby boomer expects they’ll need a nest egg worth $1.46 million for a comfortable retirement.
That’s a lot of catching up ahead for those with zero savings.
It’s no wonder the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics projects that nearly one-third of America’s 65- to 67-year-olds will still be tied to the workplace.
Many, unfortunately, because they simply have no choice.
But the good news is that you don’t have to be that person working until 75 and beyond…
There is a way out.
A way for you to have more freedom… to live a better lifestyle… and to do it all while you’re still fit and healthy enough to enjoy the best things in life…
I’m talking about retiring overseas.
And, since you’re paying attention here, I figure you’ve at least been considering this idea…
Maybe, though…
understandably… you feel that starting a whole new life in a foreign country is beyond your reach.
In fact, I’d contend that moving overseas is a lot easier than you might think.
Every year, I’m getting more and more personal accounts from fellow Americans on the move—all from different walks of life… of varying ages and personal circumstances… and operating with a wide range of budgets…
I’d like to help you join their ranks… to show you where you can live the lifestyle of your dreams… in a place where you’ll be welcomed and supported… safe and comfortable… far from the frantic pace of workaday life… enjoying the best this world of ours has to offer…
Enjoying great weather and a low (sometimes absurdly low) cost of living…
This idea comes with very big advantages…
And it all begins with addressing the plan for your future retirement in an entirely different way.
To get started on this journey, here are three critical questions to consider…
While the majority of Americans approaching retirement today are stuck in a waiting game, you could retire now.
I mean right now… if you wanted.
And I’d like to help you fully explore your “retire-now” options.
There is no perfect age and there is no perfect time to make a move overseas.
But there is a right time—and that is: When you want!
Take my friends Paul and Vicki Terhorst, for example…
Paul and Vicki retired at 35—walking away from the corporate world for a life of perpetual adventure and fun.
Over the more than 35 years since, the Terhorsts have travelled the globe as their imaginations and their wanderlust have inspired them.
The couple has lived in Buenos Aires, Paris, Chiang Mai, and beyond… forever on the trail of discovery.
Of course, a life of perpetual travel isn’t for everyone.
No problem… because this idea is infinitely customizable.
Take Rob Burrows, for example.
I love Rob’s story.
As Rob tells it…
“I was living in Ohio but vacationing in the Caribbean all the time.
“I was working 50 weeks a year… suffering through winters… counting down to every two-week vacation in the islands.
“That meant 14 days a year I was happy.
“What if,” Rob finally thought, “I were to move to the Caribbean?
“Then I’d have two days each weekend to enjoy being in the Caribbean. Even without taking a vacation, that’d mean I’d be happy 104 days a year!
“I’m no math wiz,” Rob admits… “but it seemed like a no-brainer to me.”
Take my friends Paul and Vicki Terhorst, for example…
Paul and Vicki retired at 35—walking away from the corporate world for a life of perpetual adventure and fun.
Over the more than 35 years since, the Terhorsts have travelled the globe as their imaginations and their wanderlust have inspired them.
The couple has lived in Buenos Aires, Paris, Chiang Mai, and beyond… forever on the trail of discovery.
Of course, a life of perpetual travel isn’t for everyone.
No problem… because this idea is infinitely customizable.
Take Rob Burrows, for example.
I love Rob’s story.
As Rob tells it…
“I was living in Ohio but vacationing in the Caribbean all the time.
“I was working 50 weeks a year… suffering through winters… counting down to every two-week vacation in the islands.
“That meant 14 days a year I was happy.
“What if,” Rob finally thought, “I were to move to the Caribbean?
“Then I’d have two days each weekend to enjoy being in the Caribbean. Even without taking a vacation, that’d mean I’d be happy 104 days a year!
“I’m no math wiz,” Rob admits… “but it seemed like a no-brainer to me.”
So that’s what Rob did. He moved to the Caribbean.
Now, five years later, Rob is living on Ambergris Caye, Belize, running “Crazy Canucks,” a beachside watering hole that’s a favorite among both visitors and local gringos.
“I can honestly say that I’m a truly happy person here,” Rob says.
“People often ask if I’d go back to the United States…
“No way! I’ve gotten way too used to my 15-hour work-week.
“I love the water, so I spend all my free time sailing, surfing, snorkeling, and fishing. Why in the world would I leave my beautiful island home in the Caribbean?”
Or how about the Hart family…
Micah, his wife, and their two young sons weren’t looking for a Caribbean escape… nor a place for retirement…
The young family left the state of Georgia for a new life in Spain.
It all started on an extended vacation…
“In 2018, my wife and I took a sabbatical,” says Micah Hart. “We took our two sons with us to Lisbon, Portugal, and Ljubljana, Slovenia, for a month each. We all grew so much in just two months. We could see it in ourselves and in our kids immediately.
“Call it a reaction to COVID, to politics, to the general anxiety we felt living in the States, but, in the years following that eye-opening trip, we decided we wanted to make a more dramatic move.”
The Hart family ended up in Valencia, Spain.
“The City of Joy” meets all the Hart’s needs. It has an exceptional quality of life, friendly people, good schools, a low cost of living, and, important for them, it’s walkable.
“My favorite thing about Valencia is being part of a city that’s a community,” says Micah. “In America, we’re so isolated from everyone—in a big house far from others, in our cars alone. Here there’s community spirit and pride, and we want that.
“There’s also so much going on here, so much to do every week. Between festivals and holidays, there’s always something going on. And we love the local food. Everything is so much fresher. It all just tastes better. We walk to the market most days and buy dinner for that day. The vegetables and fruits we buy were picked the day before. The seafood caught was the same day. We love buying directly from vendors and producers. They’re artisans.
“We also love the easy access to everything—beach, mountains, train to Madrid and Barcelona, or anywhere. Trains and short flights are inexpensive, and it’s so fun to be able to visit other places so quickly and easily. Part of the challenge is that we can’t do everything. Balancing life in the city versus traveling around Europe is a tough call. We’ve barely seen Spain and want to see more of it, but there’s too much to see and never enough time.”
You can have all this, too… in your version of paradise… doing the things you love to do.
Of course, it can be daunting to think about starting over in a new country.
But, after going through three international moves with my family, I can tell you that once you’ve settled into the new life of your dreams, you’ll wonder what in the world was ever holding you back in the first place…
The expats I’ve met around the world, the one resounding regret I’ve heard is that they wished they had packed their bags sooner.
So… no more getting hung up on your age… or waiting for exactly the right time… or until you have a certain amount of savings set aside…
No more worrying about any of the other reservations you may be harbouring either…
Whatever concerns you have… set them aside.
Today… right now… I’m here to help you begin making your plan for where you’d like to go.
Before we get to that, though, here’s the second critical question you need to ask yourself when approaching this whole live- and retire-overseas idea…
In my 20 years living overseas—and more than three decades spent mixing with expats the world over—I’ve come to understand that retiring overseas is not as simple as finding a super-cheap place where you can stretch your income.
In considering your options overseas, you have to think about what each place has to offer you.
Because, really, the point of this opportunity is to uncover a richer lifestyle—whatever that means to you…
You may wish to follow in the footsteps of Bill and Anne Piatt, for example, who live part-time in a charming Caribbean beach town—the perfect escape from running a busy bed-and-breakfast in Virginia…
Or Darren and Wendy Howarter who simply couldn’t face another winter of Illinois snow. Today, as full-time expats in Medellín, Colombia, this couple enjoys year-round, spring-like temperatures in a cosmopolitan city where they can enjoy a cocktail on their balcony as they watch the sun set each evening…
Or Stephanie Calcott who—fed up of being on the road for work too many weeks of the year
—longed to spend more time with her husband and young son. This California family sold everything they owned Stateside and set off for a big adventure on Portugal’s stunning coast…
All of these expats would tell you that they live on lower—in some cases far lower—budgets in their new homes overseas than they did back home.
However, I’d say that a lower cost of living is not really the biggest perk of going overseas… and I know that all of the real-life expats I’ve been telling you about would agree.
This discussion about the idea of retiring to a new country usually begins with cost.
Sure, we’d all like to live for less… and to stretch whatever nest egg we’ve got as far as possible.
For some of us, it’s a critical matter. Some folks nearing retirement simply don’t have enough to retire on.
Fair enough.
But once you get into this… once you begin looking more closely at the prospect of a new life in a new country, you realize that a reduced (maybe way reduced) cost of living is only the beginning of the upsides.
As important… in fact, I’d say, in the long run, more important… is the improved quality of life that I promise you is waiting for you just on the other side of this.
Your new life in whatever destination is calling your name could be fuller, richer, more interesting, more diverse, and more full of adventure, discovery, and fun than your old life ever had any chance of being.
Moving to a new country is a chance for reinvention… for starting over…
In a place where you’re part of a new community, contributing, learning, growing…
Here’s how Stephanie Calcott describes the changes she’s seen since her family’s move:
“In California we were always in a hurry, always rushing. We never seemed to have time to just enjoy life and each other.
“We now spend our mornings exploring the town or having a meia de leite (espresso with milk) on the beach. We take Portuguese lessons twice a week. We have family dinner every night, which we never had time for back when we were living in the States.
“The back-to-basics lifestyle has given us exactly what we wanted… time together as a family!”
The expats I’ve met around the world, the one resounding regret I’ve heard is that they wished they had packed their bags sooner.
So… no more getting hung up on your age… or waiting for exactly the right time… or until you have a certain amount of savings set aside…
No more worrying about any of the other reservations you may be harbouring either…
Whatever concerns you have… set them aside.
Today… right now… I’m here to help you begin making your plan for where you’d like to go.
In my 20 years living overseas—and more than three decades spent mixing with expats the world over—I’ve come to understand that retiring overseas is not as simple as finding a super-cheap place where you can stretch your income.
In considering your options overseas, you have to think about what each place has to offer you.
Because, really, the point of this opportunity is to uncover a richer lifestyle—whatever that means to you…
You may wish to follow in the footsteps of Bill and Anne Piatt, for example, who live part-time in a charming Caribbean beach town—the perfect escape from running a busy bed-and-breakfast in Virginia…
Or Darren and Wendy Howarter who simply couldn’t face another winter of Illinois snow. Today, as full-time expats in Medellín, Colombia, this couple enjoys year-round, spring-like temperatures in a cosmopolitan city where they can enjoy a cocktail on their balcony as they watch the sun set each evening…
Or Stephanie Calcott who—fed up of being on the road for work too many weeks of the year—longed to spend more time with her husband and young son.
This California family sold everything they owned Stateside and set off for a big adventure on Portugal’s stunning coast…
All of these expats would tell you that they live on lower—in some cases far lower—budgets in their new homes overseas than they did back home.
However, I’d say that a lower cost of living is not really the biggest perk of going overseas… and I know that all of the real-life expats I’ve been telling you about would agree.
This discussion about the idea of retiring to a new country usually begins with cost.
Sure, we’d all like to live for less… and to stretch whatever nest egg we’ve got as far as possible.
For some of us, it’s a critical matter. Some folks nearing retirement simply don’t have enough to retire on.
Fair enough.
But once you get into this… once you begin looking more closely at the prospect of a new life in a new country, you realize that a reduced (maybe way reduced) cost of living is only the beginning of the upsides.
As important… in fact, I’d say, in the long run, more important… is the improved quality of life that I promise you is waiting for you just on the other side of this.
Your new life in whatever destination is calling your name could be fuller, richer, more interesting, more diverse, and more full of adventure, discovery, and fun than your old life ever had any chance of being.
Moving to a new country is a chance for reinvention… for starting over…
In a place where you’re part of a new community, contributing, learning, growing…
Here’s how Stephanie Calcott describes the changes she’s seen since her family’s move:
“In California we were always in a hurry, always rushing. We never seemed to have time to just enjoy life and each other.
“We now spend our mornings exploring the town or having a meia de leite (espresso with milk) on the beach. We take Portuguese lessons twice a week. We have family dinner every night, which we never had time for back when we were living in the States.
“The back-to-basics lifestyle has given us exactly what we wanted… time together as a family!”
For the Calcotts, it was the Algarve that ticked all the boxes.
Does the idea of living on one of Europe’s most stunning coastlines appeal to you?
Or do you have something entirely different in mind?
Perhaps you’re keeping your options wide open…
Wherever you stand, I have you covered.
Which brings me to the final critical question you should be asking yourself at this stage…
This is the point where many would-be expats and overseas retirees get overwhelmed… Ok… so take a step back… There are 195 countries in the world. Not all of them are places you’d want to live… but a handful of them offer irresistibly tempting lifestyle options right now.
Start with a list. What are you looking for?
Here are some suggestions… to get your imagination flowing… Maybe you’d like to find:
Sounds pretty good, doesn’t it?
I could right now point you toward 12 countries that measure up according to these criteria.
I introduce each of these world’s best places to retire—some where you could live the good life on a budget of as little as $1000 a month—in Section I of my new book.
Before we look more closely at your best options for where to think about reinventing your life overseas, let’s back up a little…
Remember life before GPS? Those times when you started out on a car journey with a sketchy idea of where you were going… and, after a series of wrong turns (and an argument with your spouse or travel companion), you arrived at your destination… tired, stressed, emotional, and wishing you’d never left home?
That’s just scratching the surface of how I felt during my first international move.
Leaving behind Baltimore, Maryland, where I’d lived my whole life until this point, for little Waterford, Ireland, I had no idea what lied ahead.
I consoled myself by reminding myself that I was moving to an English-speaking country. How difficult could this be…
Well… more difficult than I imagined, I discovered.
When you’re living out of a hotel room, with a homesick 8-year-old, while searching around frantically for an apartment to rent…
When you’re trying to train up new staff who sometimes seem more concerned about their tea-breaks and holidays (protected by law) than the looming deadlines…
When your charming new Georgian country home has to have its walls torn down and whole floors removed… thanks to Ireland’s “rising damp”…
That’s when you realize that every paradise comes with challenges.
I’d like to say that my family’s second international move—to Paris—was smoother. But this time around I had a new language to contend with… not to mention the infamous French red tape to navigate (the French, remember, invented the word for “bureaucracy”)…
If I’d known then what I know now, I could have saved myself a lot of time, money, and sleepless nights.
But, back then, there was little to no help available for the rookie expat.
In Waterford, Ireland, and, later, after our third international move to Panama City, Panama, we were among only a handful of pioneering expats in town.
We figured everything out, day by day, through trial and (lots of) error.
This is not how I recommend you approach your own international move.
Not only because it’s costly (we’re talking tens-of-thousands-of-dollars costly)… but also because those first few months—when you should be enjoying your new life—go by in a blur as you try to figure out the most basic things.
As the President and Founder of Live And Invest Overseas, it’s my mission to help you navigate your move as smoothly and as painlessly as possible… so that you savor—rather than survive—your early days in your new home.
It is in that spirit that I speak with you today…
As I mentioned, I’d like to send you a copy of my new book, “How to Retire Overseas: Everything You Need to Know to Live Well (For Less) Abroad.”
This 361-page book introduces you to the top 12 escapes worth your consideration right now…
While also sharing my no-holds-barred insights on moving, living, investing, and doing business overseas… based on nearly 40 years covering this beat and 27 years of first-hand experience.
The book lists for sale on Amazon for $18. However, today, in an effort to share this opportunity as far and wide as possible, I’d like to put a copy of my book in your hands… to arm you with both the knowledge and the confidence you need to begin taking action toward realizing your own live- and retire-overseas dreams.
To give you an idea of what you can expect from your copy of my new book, I’d like to give you a sneak peek inside…
For anyone considering retiring overseas, this book is a must..
For the Calcotts, it was the Algarve that ticked all the boxes.
Does the idea of living on one of Europe’s most stunning coastlines appeal to you?
Or do you have something entirely different in mind?
Perhaps you’re keeping your options wide open…
Wherever you stand, I have you covered.
Which brings me to the final critical question you should be asking yourself at this stage…
This is the point where many would-be expats and overseas retirees get overwhelmed… Ok… so take a step back… There are 195 countries in the world. Not all of them are places you’d want to live… but a handful of them offer irresistibly tempting lifestyle options right now. Start with a list. What are you looking for? Here are some suggestions… to get your imagination flowing… Maybe you’d like to find:
Sounds pretty good, doesn’t it?
I could right now point you toward 12 countries that measure up according to these criteria.
I introduce each of these world’s best places to retire—some where you could live the good life on a budget of as little as $1000 a month—in Section I of my new book.
Before we look more closely at your best options for where to think about reinventing your life overseas, let’s back up a little…
Remember life before GPS? Those times when you started out on a car journey with a sketchy idea of where you were going… and, after a series of wrong turns (and an argument with your spouse or travel companion), you arrived at your destination… tired, stressed, emotional, and wishing you’d never left home?
That’s just scratching the surface of how I felt during my first international move.
Leaving behind Baltimore, Maryland, where I’d lived my whole life until this point, for little Waterford, Ireland, I had no idea what lied ahead.
I consoled myself by reminding myself that I was moving to an English-speaking country. How difficult could this be…
Well… more difficult than I imagined, I discovered.
When you’re living out of a hotel room, with a homesick 8-year-old, while searching around frantically for an apartment to rent…
When you’re trying to train up new staff who sometimes seem more concerned about their tea-breaks and holidays (protected by law) than the looming deadlines…
When your charming new Georgian country home has to have its walls torn down and whole floors removed… thanks to Ireland’s “rising damp”…
That’s when you realize that every paradise comes with challenges.
I’d like to say that my family’s second international move—to Paris—was smoother. But this time around I had a new language to contend with… not to mention the infamous French red tape to navigate (the French, remember, invented the word for “bureaucracy”)…
If I’d known then what I know now, I could have saved myself a lot of time, money, and sleepless nights.
But, back then, there was little to no help available for the rookie expat.
In Waterford, Ireland, and, later, after our third international move to Panama City, Panama, we were among only a handful of pioneering expats in town.
We figured everything out, day by day, through trial and (lots of) error.
This is not how I recommend you approach your own international move.
Not only because it’s costly (we’re talking tens-of-thousands-of-dollars costly)… but also because those first few months—when you should be enjoying your new life—go by in a blur as you try to figure out the most basic things.
As the President and Founder of Live And Invest Overseas, it’s my mission to help you navigate your move as smoothly and as painlessly as possible… so that you savor—rather than survive—your early days in your new home.
It is in that spirit that I speak with you today…
As I mentioned, I’d like to send you a copy of my new book, “How to Retire Overseas: Everything You Need to Know to Live Well (For Less) Abroad.”
This 361-page book introduces you to the top 12 escapes worth your consideration right now…
While also sharing my no-holds-barred insights on moving, living, investing, and doing business overseas… based on nearly 40 years covering this beat and 27 years of first-hand experience.
The book lists for sale on Amazon for $18. However, today, in an effort to share this opportunity as far and wide as possible, I’d like to put a copy of my book in your hands… to arm you with both the knowledge and the confidence you need to begin taking action toward realizing your own live- and retire-overseas dreams.
To give you an idea of what you can expect from your copy of my new book, I’d like to give you a sneak peek inside…
The only way to approach this very big idea of relocating to a new country is to break it down into manageable steps.
Specifically, as I detail in Section III of my book, I recommend that you begin with these 12 steps… all of which you can begin to take action on now, from home.
Here goes… here’s how you begin to set yourself up for a successful move overseas…
Start with:
If you’re thinking about living abroad in retirement, this book is essential reading.
A lower cost of living… warm, sunny days year-round… a water view from your terrace…
Whatever you’ve identified as being most important to you, here’s where I’ll show you your best options to meet that agenda. Among the star locations I’ll introduce you to in Section I of the book, you’ll discover:
[Peddicord] leaves few foreign stones unturned, giving readers step-by-step pointers as well as insights to several travel-tested locales that are retiree-friendly…
Over the 361 pages of my book, I touch on all the major ideas you need to consider… figuring out what’s most important to you in your new life overseas… as well as special circumstances such as pets, kids, elderly parents, being single, and more.
Before we get to all that, though, we’ll explore the absolute best havens in the world today to live a very good life indeed.
Which will you add to your short list? And which will you strike off? That’s for you to decide, of course…
However, I can assure you that, among these paradises you’ll find places where you can:
Now… I know (from three decades of experience) that you can find the absolute ideal place for you to settle overseas—a place where you can live the lifestyle you’re dreaming about… on the budget you’ve got…
That said, no place is perfect.
No matter where you go, this grand adventure is going to take you out of your comfort zone and it’s going to pose some challenges.
That’s why one section of my new book is given over to the top issues you’ll face as you settle into your new home.
Things like:
This book presents an extraordinarily clear-eyed and unvarnished view of the experience of relocating abroad. Particularly thought-provoking is the section on ‘Settling In’ where Peddicord relates her experiences and frustrations in setting up a household in a new country.
You’ll find all of this and much, much more in your copy of “How to Retire Overseas: Everything You Need to Know to Live Well (For Less) Abroad.”
My team would like to send you your copy of my new book with my compliments. All we ask is that you cover the cost of shipping and handling… which amounts to $4.95.
However, the book is just the beginning of the invitation I’m extending to you today…
In addition to a copy of my new book… I’d also like to send you three special reports, at no additional charge, to help you advance further toward your dream of a new and better life overseas.
Bonus Special Report #1: Most Frequently Asked Questions Related To Living And Investing Overseas (a $9.95 value)
It’s exciting to think about a brand-new start in a brand-new place where you can enjoy all the things you’re missing out on right now and have the life you’ve long dreamt about…
But, as you work through the process of getting from where you are today to where you’d like to be, questions will arise.
In this report, I answer 30 of the most often asked “stumbling-block” questions, including:
“Can I still receive my Social Security payments?”
“Can I drive on my home country’s driver’s license overseas?”
“What happens if I die overseas?”
“Living overseas, would I lose my original citizenship?”
“How do I qualify for health insurance overseas?”
And many others.
These are the answers to the questions you haven’t even thought to ask yet… real-world practical advice to make sure your adventures overseas are as smooth and hassle-free as possible.
Bonus #2: The 4 Best Places To Retire Overseas Right Now (a $39.80 value)
In my new book I introduce you to the 12 best places to think about living or retiring overseas
In addition, I’d like to showcase for you, in greater detail, the very appealing and affordable lifestyle opportunities on offer in 4 places in particular.
This is my short list… my personal favorite places on earth to spend time.
I’d like you to get to know these places as I have… and so, as an additional special bonus, I’d like to send you a series of four illustrated reports.
Each of these in-depth guides includes photos, maps, video clips, and expat interviews to help you see just how remarkable (and remarkably affordable) your life could be in these 4 very special places.
From the Old World to the New… from the Caribbean to the rain forest… from the world’s best beaches to one of the world’s most celebrated cities… these extraordinary places make my short list of the best of the best.
Bonus #3: Free 30-day trial subscription to my monthly Overseas Living Letter
Your free copy of my new book will help you answer the big-picture questions of what you’re looking for in your new life overseas… and, based on your personal requirements and priorities, help pinpoint the places in the world where you could make all your lifestyle dreams come true today.
In my monthly Overseas Living Letter subscription service, our correspondents on the ground across the globe dig deeper into day-to-day living in the most appealing corners of the world.
Again, all of these resources, including a copy of my new book, are yours free. All we ask is that you cover the $4.95 cost of shipping and handling for the book.
As soon as you’ve completed your order, we’ll send you immediate access to your special bonus reports… and we’ll welcome you on board as an honorary Overseas Living Letter reader for 30 days.
If you like this monthly service, I hope you’ll decide to stick with us.
For your convenience, after this 30-day trial, we’ll bill your card a fully-refundable, 1-year subscription fee of just $36. If you don’t wish to continue, no problem. Just let us know anytime within your 30-day trial period and your card will not be charged.
Either way, you’re fully protected by my 100% Satisfaction, Money Back Guarantee.
You can take the next month to see whether Overseas Living Letter helps you plan for a richer, more prosperous future. No matter what you decide, my book, along with your two bonus reports, are yours to keep forever.
The only way to approach this very big idea of relocating to a new country is to break it down into manageable steps.
Specifically, as I detail in Section I of my book, I recommend that you begin with these 10 steps… all of which you can begin to take action on now, from home.
Here goes… here’s how you begin to set yourself up for a successful move overseas…
Start with:
Following through all 12 steps that I’ll walk you through in this section of my book will lay a solid foundation for your move.
Then, these issues addressed, you’re ready for the next step… the most exciting part of the process…
The search.
If you’re thinking about living abroad in retirement, this book is essential reading.
A lower cost of living… warm, sunny days year-round… a water view from your terrace…
Whatever you’ve identified as being most important to you, here’s where I’ll show you your best options to meet that agenda. Among the star locations I’ll introduce you to in Section I of the book, you’ll discover:
[Peddicord] leaves few foreign stones unturned, giving readers step-by-step pointers as well as insights to several travel-tested locales that are retiree-friendly…”
Over the 361 pages of my book, I touch on all the major ideas you need to consider… figuring out what’s most important to you in your new life overseas… as well as special circumstances such as pets, kids, elderly parents, being single, and more.
Before we get to all that, though, we’ll explore the absolute best havens in the world today to live a very good life indeed.
Which will you add to your short list? And which will you strike off? That’s for you to decide, of course…
However, I can assure you that, among these paradises you’ll find places where you can:
Now… I know (from three decades of experience) that you can find the absolute ideal place for you to settle overseas—a place where you can live the lifestyle you’re dreaming about… on the budget you’ve got…
That said, no place is perfect.
No matter where you go, this grand adventure is going to take you out of your comfort zone and it’s going to pose some challenges.
That’s why one section of my new book is given over to the top issues you’ll face as you settle into your new home.
Things like:
This book presents an extraordinarily clear-eyed and unvarnished view of the experience of relocating abroad. Particularly thought-provoking is the section on ‘Settling In’ where Peddicord relates her experiences and frustrations in setting up a household in a new country.
You’ll find all of this and much, much more in your copy of “How to Retire Overseas: Everything You Need to Know to Live Well (For Less) Abroad.”
My team would like to send you your copy of my new book with my compliments. All we ask is that you cover the cost of shipping and handling… which amounts to $4.95.
However, the book is just the beginning of the invitation I’m extending to you today…
In addition to a copy of my new book… I’d also like to send you three special reports, at no additional charge, to help you advance further toward your dream of a new and better life overseas.
Bonus Special Report #1: Most Frequently Asked Questions Related To Living And Investing Overseas (a $9.95 value)
It’s exciting to think about a brand-new start in a brand-new place where you can enjoy all the things you’re missing out on right now and have the life you’ve long dreamt about…
But, as you work through the process of getting from where you are today to where you’d like to be, questions will arise.
In this report, I answer 30 of the most often asked “stumbling-block” questions, including:
“Can I still receive my Social Security payments?”
“Can I drive on my home country’s driver’s license overseas?”
“What happens if I die overseas?”
“Living overseas, would I lose my original citizenship?”
“How do I qualify for health insurance overseas?”
And many others.
These are the answers to the questions you haven’t even thought to ask yet… real-world practical advice to make sure your adventures overseas are as smooth and hassle-free as possible.
Bonus #2: The 4 Best Places To Retire Overseas Right Now (a $39.80 value)
In my new book I introduce you to the 12 best places to think about living or retiring overseas.
In addition, I’d like to showcase for you, in greater detail, the very appealing and affordable lifestyle opportunities on offer in 4 places in particular.
This is my short list… my personal favorite places on earth to spend time.
I’d like you to get to know these places as I have… and so, as an additional special bonus, I’d like to send you a series of four illustrated reports.
Each of these in-depth guides includes photos, maps, video clips, and expat interviews to help you see just how remarkable (and remarkably affordable) your life could be in these 4 very special places.
From the Old World to the New… from the Caribbean to the rain forest… from the world’s best beaches to one of the world’s most celebrated cities… these extraordinary places make my short list of the best of the best.
Bonus #3: Free 30-day trial subscription to my monthly Overseas Living Letter
Your free copy of my new book will help you answer the big-picture questions of what you’re looking for in your new life overseas… and, based on your personal requirements and priorities, help pinpoint the places in the world where you could make all your lifestyle dreams come true today.
Again, all of these resources, including a copy of my new book, are yours free. All we ask is that you cover the $4.95 cost of shipping and handling for the book.
As soon as you’ve completed your order, we’ll send you immediate access to your special bonus reports… and we’ll welcome you on board as an honorary Overseas Living Letter reader for 60 days.
If you like this monthly service, I hope you’ll decide to stick with us.
For your convenience, after this 30-day trial, we’ll bill your card a fully-refundable, 1-year subscription fee of just $36. If you don’t wish to continue, no problem. Just let us know anytime within your 30-day trial period and your card will not be charged.
Either way, you’re fully protected by my 100% Satisfaction, Money Back Guarantee.
You can take the next month to see whether Overseas Living Letter helps you plan for a richer, more prosperous future. No matter what you decide, my book, along with your two bonus reports, are yours to keep forever.
I have just a limited supply of hot-off-the-presses “How to Retire Overseas: Everything You Need to Know to Live Well (For Less) Abroad.” books that I can give away free.
When this stack of books in my office has been sent out, we’ll have to take this offer off the table.
And I expect these books to go very quickly.
One more time, here’s a quick run-down of everything you’ll get when you take me up on this limited offer today:
Again, all we’re asking is that you cover the cost of shipping the book to you.
Please click now where indicated below to tell me where to send your copy of my new book, “How to Retire Overseas: Everything You Need to Know to Live Well (For Less) Abroad.
Then your book will be on its way to your mailbox… and your free Special Bonus Reports will be delivered immediately to your inbox.
I can only keep this invitation on the table as long as these freshly printed books last. Once the pile in my office clears, the book will be available only to buyers on Amazon at full price. Please don’t miss this chance to grab a copy of my new book with my compliments.
I urge you not to delay in responding to this very special invitation. I have just a limited supply of hot-off-the-presses “How to Retire Overseas: Everything You Need to Know to Live Well (For Less) Abroad.” books that I can give away free.
When this stack of books in my office has been sent out, we’ll have to take this offer off the table.
And I expect these books to go very quickly.
One more time, here’s a quick run-down of everything you’ll get when you take me up on this limited offer today:
Again, all we’re asking is that you cover the cost of shipping the book to you.
Please click now where indicated below to tell me where to send your copy of my new book, “How to Retire Overseas: Everything You Need to Know to Live Well (For Less) Abroad.”
Then your book will be on its way to your mailbox… and your free Special Bonus Reports will be delivered immediately to your inbox.
I can only keep this invitation on the table as long as these freshly printed books last. Once the pile in my office clears, the book will be available only to buyers on Amazon at full price. Please don’t miss this chance to grab a copy of my new book with my compliments.
Very well-written guide to retiring overseas. I’m certainly considering doing exactly that and I think more and more people will be doing likewise in the next few years. Kathleen Peddicord is, of course, the ‘go to’ source for this kind of material and I think her gift is making it sound do-able and she writes in a warm, encouraging tone.
An excellent, comprehensive guide for those considering retiring abroad. Can help to avoid mistakes and risks you never thought of!
I subscribe to Kathleen’s internet information letters. It’s nice to have it organized and in one place. I recommend it for anyone traveling and looking for places affordable for longer vacations or to establish residency outside the USA.
Not only does the author provide useful tips about living in numerous countries, but she also has a scale for rating different elements related to taxes, cost of living, and other crucial consideration factors. In addition, she provides insights into various cultural and geographic areas that help paint a picture of what life might be like in a particular country. I highly recommend this as a resource for anyone trying to decide if and where they might want to retire in the near future.
I think I have tried figuring out retirement overseas backward. But it is a journey and everyone has their own way to research. Starting over again, I would begin with a really good book on the issue, and this book is one of those books. Since she has been in the business for many many years, she knows what people need to find out. She also asks questions, like a pop quiz to gauge just where you might be in deciding what to do.