Live and Invest inPortugal Manual —a new handbook that will give me the full scoop on living and investing in Portugal…
12 months of Portugal Letter—our real time service direct from the ground in Portugal. Each issue includes an in-depth, insider report on a new location each month. Plus itemized budgets, expat interviews, sample property listings, mailbag service, and opportunities to earn income…
3 Expat VIDEO Discussions—Meet three English-speaking expats and retirees who were once merely curious about Portugal—just like you. You’ll learn the successes and challenges of those who have come before you, and you’ll get the complete story on living in Portugal—warts and all…
Health Care Quick-Reference Guide: A rundown of what to expect when it comes to your health insurance and health care options in the country, including pricing and eligibility of free public care...
Residency Quick-Reference Guide: An easy-to-read guide detailing your opportunities (and requirements) for residency in Portugal...
Discount on Live and Invest Overseas events. As a Subscriber to Portugal Letter, we’ll take $50 off the cost of registration for any of our events...
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