Dear Reader,

I’ve just finished the most important project of my career.

It’s a 542-page work published by Lahardan Books…
And I’d like to give it you FREE.
Make no mistake, this is not an e-book or some special website—this is an actual paperbound book that you can hold in your hands and stack on your shelf.

Why in the world would I give this book away?

It has nothing to do with generosity…

And it’s not about making the world a better place…

Frankly, it’s more of a selfish act than anything.

You see, I’m not giving this book away to any Tom, Dick, or Harry—I’m shipping it to my readers alone. I’m betting on the long term here…

It’s in my best interests that you’re prepared for what’s coming down the tracks. After all, anyone caught in the chaos of demographic, political, and financial collapse isn’t going to have the luxury of being a Live And Invest Overseas reader.

And so the information within this book is so vital… so urgent… that I need to do everything I can to get this book into your hands by this time next week.

The truth is, it’s taken me 30 years to write this book.

It collects all the wisdom I have learned in three decades of living and investing outside America.

These are insights that can help you become independently wealthy—and beholden to no one.

If you right now rely on a single government, a single currency, or a single financial market, then you are in danger

You’re dangling from a single thread… and at the mercy of a single event that could wipe out your quality of life as you know it.

As of today, though—right now—you still have time to change that.

You can properly diversify and set yourself up to thrive, within weeks from now, to ensure that your future is secure.

In my new book, Cowboy Millionaire—The New American Pioneer, I’ve broken down all the lessons I’ve learned into simple steps… presenting a complete and easy-to-follow pathway for true diversification.

This is your ultimate guide to internalizing your life and your portfolio, without any nonsense or jargon.

Again, I’m giving it to you FREE.

I need you to read this BEFORE the 2024 election, so you can start arranging your affairs properly—but also so you have time to prepare your “get out of dodge” Plan B.

You need to read this before things get any worse in America…

The book reveals, in detail, the “secret” strategies that allowed me to take my wealth offshore (perfectly legally)—and thus avoid three major crises in America:

The dot-com crash, the 2008 real estate crisis, and even the COVID pandemic…

These are proven strategies that the wealthiest families in the world use…

But they won’t be shared with you by your broker or advisor…

These are the strategies that can bulletproof your lifestyle and your wealth (however much you have) against what’s coming in America…

It’s all inside my new book… 

This book is nothing short of a blueprint for liberty… and a tool for helping you achieve it…

And I believe the information in here is so timely and so urgent… every Live And Invest Overseas reader needs to read it.

That’s why I am giving away copies of this book for free.
Get “Exempt”
From Travel Bans…
…Earn $253,000 Tax-Free…
…And Never Fear Getting Sued… 

I firmly believe that the way to be truly free in today’s world is to make yourself independent of any one government.

That way, you have options if your home country decides to tax you too much… passes laws that you don’t like… or turns into a place you no longer recognize…

This is the only way you can legally and safely “declare your own independence.”

Free yourself from restrictions…
Rules For Thee But Not For Me: Politicians had no problem breaking their own rules
during the pandemic…

Copyright 2020 KTTV FOX 11
Maybe you saw the photos California Governor Gavin Newson enjoying a meal at a fancy restaurant and hobnobbing with his pals during the pandemic… when us “little people” were banned from such things.

Highlighting more of what’s wrong with the system, the dinner was a celebration for a lobbyist’s birthday—the people who essentially bribe politicians on behalf of the other elite.

These people are so confident in their corruption that a spokesman had the gall to release a statement that, despite the clear evidence of a large group of people meeting… indoors… without masks (all of which broke Newsome’s law-enforced restrictions), said: “The guests and the restaurant followed all applicable state and county public health guidance. And that’s [pictured] outdoor seating." 

These are the people who write our laws and pull the strings of our economy. And Gavin Newsome could be president someday soon!

No, this is not who you want determining your future.

And Newsome is just one example of how the rich and powerful exempted themselves from the mandates they imposed on the rest of us…

But when you understand how to “play the game”—you too can (perfectly legally) make yourself exempt from the laws that the “little people” must follow…

Thanks to the internationalization strategies I had put in place, I was “exempt” from travel bans during the COVID-19 pandemic.

America had banned Europeans from entering. And Europe had banned Americans from entering.

But I had the foresight years ago to expand my options by getting a second passport…

During my time living in Ireland, my wife and I became naturalized Irish citizens—with all the rights and privileges of any other citizen of the European Union.

Because I had dual citizenship, I could travel to Europe on my European passport and return to America on my U.S. passport…

When the next lockdown comes, do you want to be at the mercy of government mandates—or free to go where you please?

A second passport is the key that unlocks that freedom.

And millions of Americans are already entitled to a second passport—they just don’t know it…
You’ll get the full story starting on page 208 of my book.
Free yourself from taxes…
Let others stress about taxes… I’ll show you half a dozen ways to lower or eliminate your burdenlegally
You can free yourself from U.S. taxes…

Did you know that you and your spouse can legally avoid up to $253,000 in American taxes by spending time outside of America?

You don’t even have to give up your U.S. home…

You could be spending your days by a beautiful beach in the Caribbean… and as a reward, legally avoiding U.S. taxes…

It sounds crazy—but these are the kinds of freedoms available to you when you take a global view…

I go into detail about this little-known tax strategy starting on page 260 of my book.

Free yourself from lawsuits…

There are even ways, by looking offshore, that you can prevent yourself from ever getting sued…

Again, without ever leaving the United States.

You can minimize the risk of your assets being seized by the government or anyone else…

Americans defend themselves against 40 million lawsuits every year.

Not surprising—in a country with 1.3 million lawyers. That’s more than three times the whole population of one of my favorite offshore jurisdictions, Belize…

No doubt, many of these lawsuits are frivolous… and even a frivolous lawsuit can wipe out your lifetime’s work and leave you destitute.

But if your business and your assets are in an offshore jurisdiction… any potential litigants might not even know about them. And even if they do, it can be nearly impossible to get at them.

U.S. courts can’t enforce orders that are outside their jurisdiction…

I’ll show you how to do it on starting on page 302.

These and many more strategies—all simple to execute, I assure you—are explained in my just-published book, Cowboy Millionaire—The New American Pioneer.
Secrets Of The Elite… Revealed
You can probably see by now how my “go offshore” strategies have helped me protect and grow my wealth—even during major crises.

You see, as what I call a “New American Pioneer”—someone who takes advantage of the “new frontiers” overseas—you can go where the tax or business situation best suits your needs…

It’s about making yourself mobile and flexible, so that if the new country you move to starts to feel too much like the country you left in the first place—you simply move on again…

You make yourself a moving target for the taxman, for government regulations, and any threats to your freedom…

This might sound like a lot of work—but it really isn’t.

It’s a path to a life of adventure you maybe never thought possible…

If I can do it—anyone can.

In fact, in my new book, I break down the whole process into three simple steps that anyone can take…

The worst thing you could do is hang around waiting to see just how bad things get back home.
The America we knew when we were younger doesn’t exist anymore—but the
American Dream can live on within you and your family …
As I explain in my new book, it’s far, far easier to take control of your life and seize the initiative—than to wait for bureaucracies or some politician to fix your problems…

And in case you’re wondering: You don’t need a whole pile of money to take the steps I’m talking about.

In fact, whatever resources you have right now—that’s probably more than enough already, no matter how much it is… and I explain why starting on page 53 of the book.

That said, maximizing your lifestyle overseas also means taking advantage of all the opportunities to build wealth and “get rich”…

And I show you plenty in my book…

Indeed, the whole first section is devoted to “Creating Your Fortune On The New Frontier”…

On page 64 I reveal “The #1 Opportunity In The World Right Now”…

My book also comes with something truly unique… a complete model portfolio for how your overseas investments should look. Just turn to chapter six.

I think you’ll be surprised by some of the assets I recommend you hold right now…

I’m a real estate investor… but this book is about much more than real estate…

Starting on page 170, I reveal three alternative assets—beyond real estate—that I personally hold and believe every investor should hold as added insurance for their portfolios…

It includes an asset with proven returns of 195%...

A rare, collectible investment that can deliver 25%+ annual appreciation…

Plus, the asset class that holds value in a crisis better than stocks—and it’s not real estate.

It’s all covered on page 186.

Like I say, this volume collects together for the first time—and lays out in a step-by-step, proven-to-work way—all the lessons I’ve learned from three decades of investing outside the United States…

You’ll find personal anecdotes, stories about successes (and failures), and investment insights you simply will not get anywhere else…

I’ll tell you on page 146 about the one thing I’ve learned—in my decades of doing business offshore—that can make or break your rental yield…

Starting on page 138 you’ll learn my price-negotiation secrets…

Or, on page 292, how tax havens can help you pay less tax—but not in the ways you might think…

Some of my strategies go totally against “common sense” and might actually blow your mind…

But these are the same “secrets” the world’s richest families have been using to build and protect their wealth no matter what happens in the world.

For example, on page 435 I reveal how a 7% return can beat a 12% return and in fact make you far richer…

As I say, these aren’t the kind of tips you’ll hear from your broker or your financial advisor.

These are the kind of counter-intuitive strategies no one will tell you… and it’s why so many lost their shirt in the dot-com bubble and the 2008 crisis, among so many other crises.

But the global elite have known about these strategies forever—and it’s why the world’s wealthiest families stay the world’s wealthiest families.

I’ve learned from them, and I want to share the secret with you…

These are the secrets I’ve used to grow my own wealth… to the point where I can write you this letter from a 200-acre jungle ranch that I own, on one of the most beautiful stretches of coastline in the world.

Will You Miss Out? 
… Or Will You Learn The Secrets Of The World’s Richest Families?

My ranch, Los Islotes (“The Little Islands”) is not just the place I’m writing to you from… it’s also a big part of the reason why I’m writing to you today…

I’ve found my personal “Yellowstone” on Panama’s Azuero Peninsula, the “Sunset Coast,” where my wife, Kathleen, and I are staking our claim and building a 215-acre community to enjoy open space that stretches to the sea.

With hiking trails, an equestrian center, two beaches, and much more…

I’m hoping this community will pass down through the generations and still be around in a few hundred years, just like the fictional Yellowstone.

We consider ourselves stewards of the land and protectors of a legacy we’re building…

It’s not a problem for us that we can’t live the life we want in America anymore.

There are plenty of other places where we can…

Places where the living is slow (if that’s what you want) and you can tune out whatever it is the keyboard warriors care about… the whole world is our frontier.

It can be yours, too. That’s what my book is about.

You see, other experts out there will tell you how to double your money in X years with real estate, or boast constantly about appreciation and yields… and all that stuff is great—but it’s not the whole story…

Don’t get me wrong, making money overseas is the thing that gets me up in the morning…

But to truly take advantage of the opportunities I’ve talked about, and get to the point where I am now… you need investment advice—but not just when it comes to making profits, but the kind of investments in your future and your family’s future that are deeper than money…

These are the kinds of things I don’t see anyone else out there talking about…

They don’t know what I know from my more than 30 years “in the arena”…

And it’s why I think you will get something out of my book that there’s no way to get anywhere else…

I’m talking about, quite literally, the secrets to building generational wealth.

It’s not just about making money… or having money.

It’s about making sure no one can take more of what’s yours than they’re owed—whether it’s the government, creditors, or wayward family members…

On page 331 I reveal the inheritance “secret of the kings”—the one thing that can ensure every cent of what you intend to go to your heirs, does so…

The book shows you how to make your fortune… protect it, including for your heirs… and also be exempt from lockdowns and mandates…

It’s your key to fortune and to freedom…

It’s nothing short of your personal “declaration of independence”…

And, this may sound grandiose, but it can also be the key to building a multi-generational legacy, if that’s what you want to do… like I’m doing at Los Islotes… creating a permanent settlement that will be enjoyed by my children and grandchildren, for generations to come—giving them the kind of freedom I didn’t have growing up and that I believe is no longer possible in the United States…

Owning overseas real estate is a crucial part of that kind of legacy.

But, if you want yourself and your heirs to have maximum freedom—so are strategies like getting a second passport…

If you get a second passport, you can pass on that right to second citizenship to your kids…

During the pandemic, my immediate family all came together for Christmas in Chamonix, France. We followed the lockdown rules in France, but the fact that we were all able to be in France during the pandemic is a testament to the years of internationalization I’d done… including—and most importantly—getting second citizenship.

Our granddaughter was able to take in her first sledding experience in the shadow of Mont Blanc, while other families were stuck in their homes…

With the secrets revealed in my book, no matter what happens in the States—you know your family’s future is secure… and so is the legacy you built…

As I’ve said, this doesn’t have to be hard. In fact, I’ll show you how you can get a second citizenship (that you can pass on to your kids) which allows you to live and work permanently in no less than 27 countries… and you can do this by spending just one week a year abroad.

In other words, you could be eligible for a second citizenship simply by going on vacation…

I explain exactly how to do this on page 481.

Or, you could be entitled to a second passport immediately because of your bloodline—discover everything you need to know on page 527.

But I’ll also tell you things about second passports that the people selling these services will never tell you. For example, the places where getting a second citizenship not only requires learning another language… but a whole other alphabet…

And this is currently one of the most popular countries in Europe for getting residency! Most people don’t even know what they’re getting themselves in for… Cowboy Millionaire—The New American Pioneer will make sure you’re fully informed.
3 Steps To Freedom
Considering the future deeply and planning for the long term is something that it’s easy to put off…

But, when you get right down to it, it’s the difference between the most successful family names in history… and being at the mercy of events—and broke.

I’ve used the strategies I’ve learned over the past 3 decades to create multi-generational wealth… why can’t you do it too?

You can.

And you can do it a lot quicker than I did—because I’m giving you my blueprint.

As I’ve said, I’ve broken it all down into just 3 steps—which you’ll find on page 529.

Here’s just a few more things you’ll discover within your 549-page free book…
… I’ll tell you about a tiny, strange European country that dates from the time of the Holy Roman Empire… and could be your absolute perfect place for a wealth-protecting offshore bank account. And no, it’s not Switzerland. That’s on page 241.
… You’ll learn about a little-known banking product that allows you to play the currency markets for big gains—page 249.
… The 3 most important things to know before you “go offshore”… page 348.
… The place that might be your very best “get out of dodge” hideout right now (apart from Los Islotes)… page 453.
To get your free book… all you have to do is fill out the form below and let me know that you’d like a copy.
Because I believe this is an urgent “blueprint for freedom” that every American should have access to… I’ve covered the cost of designing, producing, and printing the book myself.

You’re getting a physical copy of my book for free.

All I ask is that you cover the cost of shipping and warehouse storage… that’s just $7.99.

In addition, I’d like to send you three more resources that will help you prepare for what’s coming down the tracks…

These bonuses are delivered electronically—and completely free to you.
BONUS #1: Lief’s Personal Rolodex
You’ll have access to my “Little Black Book.”

This is the perfect complement to your free book…

This is my own personal Rolodex that lists contacts in 26 countries… including CEOs, company Vice Presidents, Founders, bankers, attorneys, and brokers…
These are all people that you can reach out to directly—and that can help you get the inside track when it comes to your investments, and the best ways to maximize your wealth and your opportunities offshore…
BONUS #2: Los Islotes: Easy Pioneer Living… And Profit Potential… On Panama’s Untouched Coast
I’ll also send you a full briefing on what I believe might be the best opportunity in the New World right now… my 200-acre ranch and personal retreat on Panama’s Veraguas Coast, Los Islotes.

We’re building a community here founded on old-school ideas of freedom… with the chance to profit as Panama’s Path of Progress rolls through…

I’m excited to share all the details with you in this special report.

BONUS #3: 30-Days Of My
Simon Letter
Advisory Service

Finally, I’ll give you a full month of my Simon Letter advisory service—free of charge.

I started this service over a decade ago to keep track of worldwide investment trends and to bring my readers opportunities from my global network of contacts. Opportunities that readers simply could not find anywhere else.

Put simply, Simon Letter is an intelligence service for serious investors and global thinkers, like you.

Simon Letter
might be the most powerful wealth-building and wealth-protection tool you could have in your arsenal…

Simon Letter members are the New American Pioneers…

In the past 12 months alone, members have benefitted from intelligence like:

  • Properties Discounted 20% Off (Or More)—Exclusive Access To Foreclosures
  • Art Investments Starting At $3,000

  • Secret Opportunities Of Wine Investing

  • How To Comfortably Retire At 62 With $100,000 In Savings And $1,000 In Social Security

  • Our Annual Tax Guide For Americans Living, Investing, And Doing Business Overseas

  •  How To Get A European Passport By Living In The Caribbean

  •  The Age Of AI Is Here… This Is How It Could Harm Your Wealth (And What To Do About It)
Time-Sensitive Offer:
Once These Free Books Are Gone,
They’re Gone

I truly believe that every American needs to read the message of freedom I bring to you in my new book…

But, sadly, I can’t afford to give a free copy to everybody.

I have a limited supply of books to give away…

Once this pile in my office clears, the book will only be available on Amazon at full price.

You can put yourself ahead of the crowd by acting now and letting me know you want one of my limited number of free copies…
Again, here’s a quick recap of everything you’ll get when you take me up on my offer today… and you’re getting all this for just the cost of shipping and handling: $7.99…
A FREE paperback copy of my hot-off-the-presses new book, Cowboy Millionaire—The New American Pioneer
BONUS #1: My personal Rolodex of investment pros, attorneys, bankers, real estate developers, and others who can help you on your “go offshore” adventure…
BONUS #2: A full special report detailing the best profit and lifestyle opportunity in the New World right now…
BONUS #3: 30 days of Simon Letter membership, my private service detailing offshore investment and diversification opportunities you simply will not find anywhere else, at any price…
If you’re serious about living a life with more wealth… more freedom… more adventure… and more opportunity… I urge you not to delay. These books won’t hang around.

To lock in your copy, please go to my secure Order Form page.

Once your order is processed, I’ll make sure that your book is dispatched without delay.

Meantime, you’ll get instant access to all your bonus reports, as well as all the perks of Simon Letter service.

Secure your free book by clicking the button below…
Lief Simon
Co-Founder, Live And Invest Overseas
P.S. I’ve “made it.”

I’m not worried for myself anymore…

But I am worried for my country and my fellow Americans… especially those who refuse to help themselves when the writing is on the wall.

Now is the time to reclaim your freedom… wait at your own risk.

As America continues to fall from grace… more policies that would have been unthinkable in our nation’s past will be put in place.

We could see capital controls to prevent money leaving the country…

Or the government might even start revoking passports. (In case you didn’t know, you don’t “own” your passport—the Federal government does.)

The time to act and put your internationalization plan in place is right now… before it’s too late.
P.P.S. America is an idea. The idea of freedom… and we Americans can take that idea with us anywhere.

That’s what I did.

It’s how I made my fortune and set my family up in a strong position for generations to come…

Now it’s your turn… my book will get you started.