Enjoy 4 Nights In Portugal…
And I’ll Pick Up The Tab!

Plus, Get The One-On-One Help You Need To Find Your Own Dream Home Here In Europe’s #1 Retirement Haven…

Dear Reader,

If you’re dreaming of a new life in Europe… even for just a few months of the year…

Or if you ever thought about retiring to Europe but ruled it out as too expensive…

Then you owe it to yourself to keep that dream alive and check out the country we, at Live and Invest Overseas chose as the world’s top retirement haven for eight years in a row 

Portugal is a country that has something to suit almost every taste and budget…

And I have big news on this understated corner of Europe to share with you today (including your 4-night stay in a top property in the country… on my dime)…

But first, let’s make sure we’re both on the same page…

So, when you dream about your new life overseas, does it include:
Warm, sunny days most of the year? Portugal has over 300 days of sunshine a year, with mild winters. Whether you choose beach or city, you’re guaranteed plenty of days out of doors…
An affordable lifestyle? For the sophisticated culture and fine dining on offer, Portugal has some of the lowest living costs in Europe. You could live well here—without scrimping on luxuries—from $2,200 a month. Dinner for two with wine costs as little as $35. Or pull a good bottle of wine from the supermarket shelf for just $5 …
A safe place? The Global Peace Index ranked Portugal the 7th safest country in the world in 2023. It’s a politically neutral country without civil unrest…
A healthy way of life? Almost every expat I meet here tells me they live a healthier lifestyle by default. They’re taking their dogs for long walks on the beach… or ditching the car to go about their business on foot. You have an abundance of fresh fish and locally-grown fruit and vegetables to feast on, too…
Access to world-class beaches? The Algarve has 100 miles of coast… not all known to tourists. Many of its beaches fly the prestigious “Blue Flag”—Europe’s gold standard in cleanliness…
An English-speaking community? Thanks to its centuries-long history with Britain, English is widely spoken in Portugal—especially in the Algarve and the main cities. You won’t have to spend hours studying Portuguese grammar to get settled in. You’ll also have the support of established expat circles whenever you need them…
Easy to reach from North America? You can fly direct to Lisbon from the U.S. east coast in as little as six hours… or seven hours from Toronto…
Easy residency? Residency here is one of the easiest you’ll find in Europe. You can qualify for a passive income residency visa (D7) by showing an income of around $1,300 a year… that’s only $15,600 a year… 
Quality health care? The World Health Organization ranks Portugal 12th in the world for its standard of healthcare. You can see a local GP for as little as $6. What’s more, you’ll find English-speaking doctors and consultants in major clinics and hospitals…
A rich history and culture? Portugal has no shortage of historic cities and towns, including impressive castles, cathedrals, and Roman sites. In Lisbon and Porto, you could have a full social calendar that includes concerts, theater, art shows, music festivals, and almost any kind of entertainment you might wish for…
Adventure? From its fishing villages to its natural reserves, historic cities to wild coastal walks, there’s lots of adventure to be had on the ground in Portugal. And, you’re also in an ideal position to explore the rest of Europe by car, rail or air…
Affordable property? Portugal is emerging as “the California of Europe,” but prices here are a fraction of what you’d pay for a beach property in southern California. Algarve property prices are an average $2,830 a square meter (an incredible bargain compared with Santa Monica or Venice Beach)…
Really, I’m just scratching the surface here. There’s so much more to discover.

But if your retirement wish-list includes at least three of the above criteria, then I’d say you’re in the right place…

Remember, though, Portugal is a big place… with many great options to choose from…

So, Which Slice Of “The Next California”
Is Right For You?

After checking out all her options, Canadian expat Marie Moore chose Tavira… a tranquil fishing village on the eastern edge of the Algarve…

From an outdoor table at her favorite café, Marie likes to order a tiny espresso and a crispy pastel de nata, fresh from the oven.

“This little breakfast treat costs just 1 euro,” says Marie. “And it really sums up my new life here…
“Inexpensive, uncomplicated, sweet, and traditional.”

But Tavira isn’t the only place where you can experience the good life in Portugal…

Jeff and Joch Woodruff decided to make their home in the small village of Perafita, part of Matosinhos, a popular northern suburb of Porto. While their beach condo was under construction, they fell in love with their temporary home in Braga.

“There’s much we love about Braga,” says Jeff…

“The medieval center of the city is a large pedestrian district filled with wonderful shops, restaurants, museums, theaters, and galleries… on Sundays, it’s wonderful to hear concertinas playing in the central plaza.”

Tavira, Portugal—the world’s
#1 retirement haven in 2021

For its rich history… climbing expat community… and friendly neighbors, Braga shines. As their forever condo by the beach in Porto is built, Jeff and Joch Woodruff are enjoying their new-found lifestyle in Braga.

And there’s far more to Portugal than just interesting architecture and history…

Two years ago, Braddlee was longing for a change. He figured he could retire early and get out and see more of the world if he just lowered his cost of living.

It all came together for Braddlee in the city of Porto…

“Porto is a world-class city, with great infrastructure and every service I need…

“I’m not rich… but I don’t live frugally. Here in Porto I spend about half of what I did back in the United States.

“And now that travel has opened back up, I’m excited to explore more of the Continent.”

This brings me to the real challenge ahead of you, dear reader…

To find the exact spot in Portugal that’s right for you.

For that you’ll need to do two things:

  1. Plan a trip. There’s nothing like getting your boots on the ground to get a true sense of a place…
  2. Get insider help. For a smooth move, you need the right people at your side—from the professionals who can guide you every step of the way… to the expats who have gone before you and will tell it like it is (no holds barred)…

And, starting today, I’d like to help you with both of these agendas…

I’m Kathleen Peddicord, Founding Publisher at Live and Invest Overseas. And, after two decades of visiting Portugal… buying and selling property here… and hosting our annual Live and Invest in Portugal conferences, my husband Lief Simon and I have made strong connections in local business, legal, and property circles… as well as among the growing expat community.

It’s thanks to this network of trusted experts and friends that I can now make things as easy as possible for you…
Today, I’m delighted to invite you to join my brand-new, members-only Portugal Circle…

In a nutshell, this VIP membership gives you access to my collection of top resources on Portugal… for life…

With insider help just an email or phone call away (no matter how big or small your question), you’ll have everything you need to make your move in Portugal…

And, you’ll have this help through all stages… from planning your first scouting trip… to establishing residency… to getting the best deal on your property rental or purchase… to the day-to-day challenges like finding a painter, a language teacher or the best farmer’s market in town…

Now, let me introduce you to everything (and everyone) you’ll have at hand as a fully-fledged, Portugal Circle member…

Portugal Circle Benefit #1:
Voucher For A 4-Night Stay At A Top Portugal Property…

If you’ve been waiting for your chance to travel to Europe, it doesn’t come easier than this… 

Take a few days to relax and soak up the good life in sun-kissed Portugal…

Or use one of the top local properties available as a base while you connect with my top experts on the ground (see Benefit #7 below) and get your plans in place for your longer-term stay.

Take your pick from a choice of private accommodations spanning from Lisbon all the way through the famous Algarve region…

This members-only perk is worth a total of $840…

Portugal Circle Benefit #2:
Free Attendance At Every Live And Invest In Portugal Conference… For Life…

You may know me as a publisher of books, newsletters, and reports… And, I’ve published a collection of special reports and countless articles on Portugal over the years (the best of those I’ll be sending to you today—see Benefit #8). But there’s simply no resource more productive than a live conference, which is what this second perk is all about…

The in-country conferences we host at Live And Invest Overseas aim to do three things:

You may know me as a publisher of books, newsletters, and reports… And, I’ve published a collection of special reports and countless articles on Portugal over the years (the best of those I’ll be sending to you today—see Benefit #8). But there’s simply no resource more productive than a live conference, which is what this second perk is all about…

The in-country conferences we host at Live and Invest Overseas aim to do three things:

  1. Help you pinpoint the exact place to suit you in the destination country…
  2. Guide you through everything you need to know to get set up in your new home (thanks to expert guidance from lawyers, tax accountants, real estate agents, and more… as well as expats sharing their stories)…
  3. Grow your own support network. Never mind those people back home who say you’re crazy. This is where you’ll find your tribe… the people who’ll support you every step of the way…

As a Portugal Circle member, you’ll be invited to our annual Live and Invest in Portugal Conference… as a VIP guest. You can also bring along your spouse or friend… and again, they attend for free.

Just let us know that you’re coming. We’ll have your conference pack ready and waiting… and your registration fee will be automatically waived.

There’s no limit to how many of our Portugal events you attend. As a Portugal Circle member, this is a life-long pass…

On top of all the hands-on help you’ll get over the three days of this live event, these annual gatherings are just as much about the fun and friendships. Every year, many past attendees return to renew old relationships and make new friends.

And, once you have your own story to tell, it could be you on our stage… or sharing your experiences with newcomers over coffee breaks and cocktail parties…

Attendees pay up to $1,095 to join us ($1,595 for a couple)…

Over 10 years of membership in Portugal Circle, this benefit alone is worth over $15,000 to you.

An Inspiring And Practical Experience…

“This was our first conference and we felt it was well worth attending. We attended pretty much every session and gained valuable information—both inspirational and practical. More importantly, we had a chance to speak in person with a lawyer and real estate person and this was invaluable. We intend to now hire them both for our move to Portugal. Thanks for everything!”

Joyce C.

Making Friends For Life…

“We’ve found experts and professionals who are supporting us to realize a dream from so many years ago. Who knew we would find such expertise?
“In four days, we have formed rich friendships and relationships that feel as if they are years old. Some of our new friends will share in our upcoming adventures. Plus, we are excited to support their dreams, too.
“Thank you LIOS staff for facilitating this awesome experience.”

Joch W.

Portugal Circle Benefit #3:
Never Miss A Europe Event…
With Your Virtual Pass!

One of Portugal’s biggest advantages is its location on the doorstep of mainland Europe. You can easily drive over the border for a day in Seville, Spain… take the train from Lisbon for a romantic stay in Paris… or hop a flight to London for the weekend… the opportunities are endless.
And, I’d also like to introduce you to parts of Europe you may never have considered (or even heard about before)…

So, I’m granting you a lifetime pass to our annual Live and Invest in Europe Conference…

Portugal is just one of the destinations we cover at this event. You’ll also get to hear about Alpine villages, lush vineyards, Mediterranean islands… places where you could live the good life from $1,500 a month…
We charge attendees up to $495 for access to this annual virtual event. Over 10 years, that’s a value of $4,950 to you…

Portugal Circle Benefit #4:
Invitation To Every Portugal-
And Europe-Themed Webinar

With our ears to the ground in Portugal and Europe, we often hear of timely opportunities that just can’t wait for our annual Live and Invest in Portugal or Europe events…
So, when we have something big to tell you, we like to gather our experts online for a dedicated, interactive webinar. As a Portugal Circle member, you’ll be invited to join any Portugal- or Europe-themed webinars we hold during the lifetime of your membership.

These are usually 2-hour sessions where our experts introduce you to a hot destination that’s just come on our radar… or launch a brand-new real estate opportunity (often with first dibs and exclusive discounts for attendees only)…

We typically hold two of these Europe-themed webinars a year. And non-members pay $29 to join. But again, you’ll pay nothing to be part of these webinars… and you’ll have the opportunity to put your questions to our experts in real time…

Over 10 years, that’s a value of $580… not to mention the thousands you could save on buying your dream home or income-earning property on the Continent…

Excellent Information On Portugal

“This was an extraordinary presentation on Tavira, Portugal by Marie. Thank you for an excellent overall webinar!”

Nick T.

Thank You For A Professional Webinar

“The webinar was very good, informative, and professionally presented. I was glad I attended and enjoyed it much.”

David R.

Portugal Circle Benefit #5:
Never Miss Out, Even When You
Can’t Join Us

We’ll bring the information, the recommendations, the insights, and the discoveries of every Live and Invest in Portugal event and every Live and Invest in Europe Conference, as well as materials from our special Portugal get-togethers, straight to you…

This includes PowerPoint presentations, notes, and reports from all Portugal and Europe events…

It’s everything you’d get at the live event. You’ll just have to bring your own coffee and cocktails…

When we package and sell these events materials, the price is $200. Over 10 years of membership in Portugal Circle, this membership benefit is worth $4,000 (including all the materials from both Portugal and Europe events)…

Portugal Circle Benefit #6:
 Invitation To Exclusive Portugal Circle Gatherings

At least twice a year, including during our annual Live and Invest in Portugal event, we’ll plan special Portugal Circle members-only get-togethers. This an extra chance to mingle one-on-one with fellow Portugal-philes, to make business connections, and to make lifelong Portugal friends…

Theme parties… keynote speakers… special opportunities… language lessons… dance lessons… cooking lessons… each get-together will be different… and a lot of fun. And they’re private, for Portugal Circle members only.

If we were to allow non-Portugal Circle members to attend, the cost would be at least $200. As a Portugal Circle member, you’re welcome at every special Portugal Circle event, as our guest.

Over 10 years, that’s a value of $2,000…

Portugal Circle Benefit #7:
Private Consulting With Our Team Of Portugal Experts

As you prepare to launch your new life and adventures in Portugal, you’ll have questions that can’t be answered reliably by searching the web or just asking around…

I’m talking about things like your tax situation and obligations living and investing in Portugal… your options for establishing foreign residency and how to apply and qualify for them… not to mention navigating the property market here, whether buying or renting…

These are issues that require expert help from those on the ground… and especially from professionals who have guided many an expat before you and know exactly how to serve your needs…

As a Portugal Circle member, you’ll enjoy two and a half hours of consulting time with our Portugal Panel of Experts. All your residency, tax, business, relocation, etc., questions answered, one-to-one, either in person or over the phone.

Let me quickly introduce the team of professionals who are standing by to help:

Your Portugal Legal AdvisorJoão Gil Figuera. João has helped countless Live and Invest Overseas readers through their residency applications in Portugal. He’s also a specialist in international tax.

Your All-Portugal Real Estate Consultant: Luis da Silva. Luis has connections all over Portugal and can help you find your ideal rental or home to buy. If you’re after an investment property, Luis can help you find the right place to get maximum return.

Your Lisbon Real Estate Consultant: Miguel Pinho. If you know Lisbon is the place you want to be (for living or investing), Miguel can advise you on the best place to go according to your taste and budget.

Your International Tax Consultants: Vincenzo Villamena (United States) and George Gonzales (Canada). Wherever you go in the world, you’re still going to need to consider your obligations back home. Depending on your native home, Vincenzo or George can help you navigate everything you need to stay compliant… and show you how you can reduce your tax burden.

You couldn’t arrange this consulting time on your own. Our key Portugal experts don’t make a business selling their time by the hour. But they’ve agreed to make it available on a strictly limited basis for Portugal Circle members only.

You can spend an hour with our Portugal attorney and another hour with one of our real estate consultants.

And, either of our tax consultants are available for a half-hour session.
That’s a total of two and a half hours of professional consulting…
If you could buy this kind of personalized attention, it’d cost you $500 an hour.

You’re getting at least a value of $1,250 here… on the phone or in the room with our experts… one-to-one…

A Valuable Network Of Business Advisors, Partners, And Friends

“My Membership has provided me introductions and access to a network of helpful and trusted professionals with lots of good experience. It is good way to meet people who may become valued business advisors, partners, and friends. This is what’s most valuable to me—the experience and knowledge of the staff and their helpful support and advice. Plus, the events and tours, the opportunities for networking with other Members.”

David M., Panama Circle Member.

Portugal Circle Benefit #8:
Everything We Publish On Portugal…
Present and Future

As a Portugal Circle member, you’ll have instant access to my LIOS complete library of Portugal publications. Right now, this includes:

    Our Portugal Special Reports on Lisbon, Porto, Tavira, Algarve and Ferragudo, and Faro. Value: $49.75…
    Live and Invest in Portugal Manual—your insider handbook for living and investing in Portugal. Value: $72…
    2024 Live and Invest in Portugal Virtual Conference Kit—enjoy access to all the videos and bonus reports from our most recent Portugal event. Value: $198…
    My 2024 Overseas Retirement Index. Portugal has won top spot for the past eight years, find out where it ranked this year. Value: $49… 
    Our Special Report “44 Things You Must Know Before You Relocate, Retire, or Invest Offshore”—the nuts-and-bolts support you need to plan your adventures in Portugal with confidence. Value: $29…

    Once your Portugal Circle membership application has been accepted, you’ll be sent details for how to download each of these reports, so you can start familiarizing yourself with all that this country has to offer and formulating your own, custom Portugal Plan.

    However, that’s only the start. This benefit continues for a lifetime…

    Any Live and Invest Overseas publishing product that relates to Portugal will be yours, whether we publish it now, next year, or years from now. Once it’s hot off the presses, we’ll send you the details by email for how to enjoy full access.

    Even when you’re settled in Portugal, these timely reports from our Portugal team of expats and experts will continue to provide insights, recommendations, ideas, tips, discoveries, and opportunities. It’s difficult to put a price on this, because it’s a membership benefit that not only continues, but also expands. We’re constantly growing our library, publishing new books and reports all the time.

    And, we have some big plans for a new Portugal newsletter launching in the coming months…

    But based on what exists today, this bundle of Portugal resources has a total value of $397.75. Each of these products is published in a new edition each year. Over 10 years, that’s a total value to you of $3,977.50 (and growing)…

      Thank You For Your Report

      “Just by getting my first report on Portugal has given me a lot of ideas as to what to do in the country. Thank you and keep up the good work. I am glad I found your expertise.”

      Joe V.

      Portugal Circle Benefit #9:
      Your Dedicated Portugal Circle Liaisons

      There’s nobody who knows what you’re going through quite like someone who’s gone through the big move themselves. And, that’s why I thought carefully when selecting your Portugal Circle Member Liaisons

      Meet Jeff and Joch Woodruff…

      I mentioned them earlier. It’s Jeff and his husband Joch who live in the Braga… a city rich in history and a thriving expat community…

      Jeff and Joch are a wealth of information on Braga and living in Portugal in general. They’re regular speakers at our Live and Invest in Portugal event (where you’ll have a chance to meet them in person). And now, they’ll be ready and waiting to help with any questions you have about your own adventure in Portugal. Whatever you want to do here, Jeff and Joch know how and who can help…

      When you join Portugal Circle, you’ll get a private email address direct to them. You’ll enjoy unlimited access to your Portugal liaison throughout your entire Portugal Circle membership.

      Whether you’re looking for a reputable in-country attorney… specifics on what documents you’ll need to open a bank account… where to find the freshest seafood at the best price… or details of local social events, Jeff and Joch are standing by always to help.

      We offer a similar service in Panama, where Panama Circle members rate their dedicated in-country liaison as the most valuable Panama Circle membership benefit of all.

      Excellent Help From The Circle “Minders”

      “Being a Panama Circle Member has given me not only an introduction to all the services that it claims but also a group of like-minded friends offering additional help. With all due respect to [our Panama Circle Liaison] and team, I couldn’t wish for more helpful ‘babysitters.’ I know I will continue to receive my money’s worth of attention and an excellent introduction to Panama living.”

      Patricia N.

      This benefit is also the most difficult to quantify. How much is it worth to have a dedicated resource as experienced and as connected as the Woodruffs is in Portugal? Impossible to say.

      I can tell you, though, from personal experience, that relocating to a new place is far easier, more pleasant, and less costly when you have reliable help on the ground.

      Jeff And Joch Left For A New Life In Braga And Never Looked Back…

      Joch Woodruff fell in love with Portugal the very first time he visited in 1979 as part of a U.S. State Department trade mission. By the time he retired in May 2019, it was clear that his dream from 40 years earlier was still very much alive, so he and his husband Jeff decided they wanted to retire in Portugal.

      The pandemic forced them to find their spot in Portugal sooner rather than later, and they ended up purchasing an apartment near the beach in Porto. While it was being built, they wound up in Braga… a city full of history, rich culture, and plenty of festivals.

      The couple is enjoying life in Portugal… biking around the city, and exploring nearby places…

      “Yes, Braga has given us wonderful reasons to love Portugal as we prepare to move into our condo. Braga captured our hearts,” says Joch. “We might just end up having a city house and a beach house…”

      Portugal Circle Benefit #10:
      Exclusive Members-Only Website

       I’ve just walked you through a lot of resources. And this final one brings them all together… the key to accessing all your top Portugal Circle perks in one place…

      Your exclusive Portugal Circle members-only website.

      Through the website you can quickly and easily access the following:

      Portugal Library Of Publishing Products. Remember, the advantage of these electronic publications is that my staff updates them regularly, so you always have the latest information at hand.
      Your Expert Legal, Real Estate, And Tax Consultants. To arrange your private consulting sessions, you’ll find the contact details of each of our experts here.
      Upcoming Live Events, Virtual Conferences, And Webinars. Every time we have a Portugal or Europe event coming up, we’ll send you an early notice. But you can also check your website for details of upcoming dates… and add them to your calendar…
      Exclusive Portugal Circle Gatherings. Again, we’ll send you an email alert as soon as we have details of the next Portugal Circle gathering. But you can also have all the details here on the website, so you’ll never miss out…
      Your Past Conference Video Recordings And Bonus Reports. If you’ve missed a conference, or you want to go back over a favorite presentation, you’ll find all the links you need right here…
      Reach out to Jeff and Joch. Once your membership of Portugal Circle is approved, we’ll send you your dedicated email address for direct contact. But, as you’re browsing your members-only website and a question occurs, you can also reach them from here…

      Bottom line, this members-only website is a one-stop shop for all your Portugal Circle benefits… 24/7…

      Before you decide whether to apply for Portugal Circle membership, let’s do a quick recap on the full list of your VIP benefits…

      Benefit #1: Voucher For 4 Nights At A Top Portugal Property—You And Your Guest Stay Free. Value: $840
      Benefit #2: Free Attendance (For You And Your Guest) At Our Annual Live And Invest In Portugal Conference.
      Lifetime Value: $15,950
      Benefit #3: Virtual Pass To Live And Invest In Europe Conference.
      Lifetime Value: $4,950
      Benefit #4: Access To All Portugal And Europe Webinars.
      Lifetime Value: $580
      Benefit #5: Never Miss A Portugal Or Europe Event With Your Full Package Of Conference Video Recordings And Bonuses.
      Lifetime Value: $4,000
      Benefit #6: VIP Invitation To All Exclusive Portugal Circle Gatherings.
      Lifetime Value: $2,000
      Benefit #7: Private Consulting With My Top Team Of Portugal Legal, Tax, And Real Estate Professionals. Value: $1,250
      Benefit #8: Access To All Portugal Publishing Products (Present And Future). Lifetime Value: $3,977.50
      Benefit #9: Your Dedicated Portugal Circle Liaisons.
      Lifetime Value: $5,000
      Benefit #10: Your Portugal Circle Members-Only Website.
      Lifetime Value: Priceless

      All totaled up, that comes to a  total value of $38,547.50

      And, that’s just in straight-up perks.

      Remember, by having the right people on your side, you’re also saving yourself thousands of dollars in costly mistakes. As someone who started out her expat life 25 years ago, without personal recommendations or expert help, I know how that story goes…

      But now you can have all these top resources at your fingertips… and expert help just a phone call or email away…

      And, it’s not going to cost you anywhere near $38,547.50 for these privileges…

      The cost of joining Portugal Circle is $5,000…

      But, during this initial launch period, I’d like to sweeten the deal for the first readers to come on board…

      So, when you decide to join Portugal Circle today, I’ll welcome you at the special membership rate of $4,800…

      And, if you’d like to spread out your payment, you can do that, too…

      My flexible payment plan gives you the option to secure your Portugal Circle lifetime membership by paying just $1,800 down… followed by 12 monthly installments of just $250… After those 12 months, that’s all you’ll ever pay.

      Or, pay in full and enjoy a discount of a full $300 (You’ll pay only $4,500 when you secure your membership in a single payment!).

      The World Is Waking Up To Portugal’s Charms… Now Is The Time To Strike!

      The accolades for Portugal are stacking up…

      In 2019, InterNations ranked Portugal #3 in the world for qualify of life…

      In 2020, the Algarve was awarded the world’s best beach destination by the World Travel Awards… as well as home to the best golf in the world…

      And, in 2021, Condé Nast Traveler Readers’ Choice Awards voted Portugal the top country in the world to visit…

      I’ve seen the knock-on effect of this kind of media attention in other parts of the world…

      More visitors means more people falling in love with the country… leading to more competition and higher prices on property.

      And, who can say how long the Portuguese government will keep the residency threshold so attractively low…

      If you’re at all intrigued by the good life on offer in Portugal (and access to all the attractions of Europe on your doorstep)… then I urge you to get working on your plan right away…

      Whether you’re after a laid-back life by the beach… a sophisticated retirement in the city… an escape to a more traditional way of life, surrounded by a friendly community…

      You can find your ideal place here… with dedicated expert help every step of the way…

      I’d love for you to join us…


      Kathleen Peddicord
      Founding Publisher, Live and Invest Overseas

      P.S. I guarantee that membership in our Portugal Circle is the best possible resource available anywhere to help you realize every single one of your Portugal dreams. No other service or network of in-country support can compare.

      However, if you don’t feel Portugal Circle delivers on this promise, you can withdraw from your membership at any time. If you do, I’ll swiftly reimburse you for any term remaining on your membership. No questions asked.

      The Special Reports and other materials you’ve already received are yours to keep, no matter what.

      Reach us with questions and comments at CustomerService@liveandinvestoverseas.com 
      or by phone, toll-free from the United States, at 1-888-627-8834.
      Copyright © 2008-2025 Live and Invest Overseas, Founding Publisher Kathleen Peddicord